Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Make the Soil Good to Plant Vegetables

    • 1). Choose the site for the vegetable patch. Vegetables grow best in sites that offer an even surface, quick drainage, full sun all day and adequate air movement. Don't start the garden in sites that puddle because the plants will rot in standing water.

    • 2). Till the garden to a depth of 10 inches and even out any low or high spots. Pull out rocks, weeds and old roots, which can retard vegetable growth. Mix the natural soil for aeration and break up dirt clods.

    • 3). Turn 5 inches of organic matter into reasonably loose soil, and increase to 7 to 8 inches of organic matter for thick clay or poor sandy soil. Use organic compost, rotted manure, leaf mold and wood chips for this organic amendment. The organic matter adds nutrients to the soil and retains moisture between waterings for better plant growth.

    • 4). Fertilize the soil for a jump start of nutrients. Mix 13-13-13 granular fertilizer into the top 4 inches of soil at a rate of 1 lb. per 100 square feet, then add starter fertilizer like 10-52-17 or 10-50-10 to increase root growth.

    • 5). Water the soil with 2 to 3 inches of water and allow it to rest at least two days before planting.

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