How to Open a Combo Lock
- 1). Set the combo dial to "0" and pull the U-shaped latch firmly away from the dial until it becomes difficult to turn the dial.
- 2). Slowly turn the dial in one direction (left or right) until it gets caught between two numbers (e.g., 1.5 and 2.5). Record this number. Ease up to release the dial from the caught position.
- 3). Repeat this process as you turn the dial all the way around back to "0". By the end, you should have 12 numbers recorded in all, or one for every 5 digits on the dial. Mark the 5 whole digits. For instance, you would mark 3, but not 3.5.
- 4). Pick out the number that doesn't end in the same number as the others (i.e., of 2, 7, 12, 22, 32, pick 7) This is the THIRD number in your combo.
- 5). Divide that number by 4 to get a remainder of either 0,1,2 or 3. Take that remainder and add 4 to it over and over until you have a list of 10 numbers under 40. These 10 numbers are the possibilities for the FIRST number in your combo.
- 6). 0=2, 1=3, 2=0, 3=1 This is the key to find the last number. If your remainder was 3, as you can see from the key, you will start with 1. Add 4 to it again until you have another list of 10 numbers under 40. These are your possibilities for the SECOND number in you combo.
- 7). Start testing combinations with one number from the FIRST list, one number from the SECOND list, and then your THIRD number that was already determined. This process limits the possibilities to 100 rather than 64,000 and chances are you will find the combination soon enough.