Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Help For Troubled Teens Who Need Discipline

Parents are often at a loss at how to deal with their struggling teens.
Whether it is trouble with academics, with peer relations or something else entirely, there are ways to help reign in a struggling student.
When seeking out help for troubled teens, it is important to remember that there are some hard decisions that will need to be made.
At times, students get themselves into trouble because someone in their life isn't teaching them the lessons they need to be learning.
Tough love comes into play here, but it can be administered lovingly, as it's name suggests.
Age Appropriate Consequences - If you give your teen consequences that are too lenient, they will learn nothing from the experiences.
On the other hand, if they are too harsh, they will most likely rebel and refuse to further listen to you.
That is the last thing you want to happen, so consider carefully the consequences you give.
Consistent Discipline - One of the hardest things to do for any parent is to remain consistent.
This is especially hard if the parents are divorced and the child spends their time in many different places.
If the consequences of bad behavior are not consistent from home to home and at school even, it can be very difficult to enforce them.
Make sure everyone is on the same page.
A Reward System - Even in the prison system, there are rewards in addition to punishment.
Convicts can receive a reduced sentence for good time, or special privileges for good behavior while behind bars.
Your teen needs to know that in addition to receive punishment for the crime, they can also be rewarded if they choose to make the right decisions.
If you are struggling with your teenager, consider the above tips on help for troubled teens.
In extreme circumstances, these may not be enough to overcome the struggles your child is facing.
In those cases, you may need to seek professional counseling, speak to a physician, or even consider the possibility of removing the teen from the situation entirely.
At times, boarding schools are used to help a struggling teen refocus and start over in a new environment.

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