Health & Medical Anxiety

Cure Anxiety By Learning To Cope With It

People that suffer from anxiety can have symptoms appear out of nowhere, and cause them to be stressed and extremely afraid.
They can become so frightened of situations, they will begin to avoid doing the things they enjoy.
To cure anxiety is a very real dream to most people who experience it.
Typical signs of anxiety include increased worrying, panic, sweating and shallow breathing.
These symptoms are often accompanied by an overwhelming sense of disaster, or a feeling that you are going to die.
These signs often lead a person to believe that something is physically wrong - it is common for people experiencing anxiety to mistake the symptoms for depression.
It is difficult for many people to stop the continuous cycle of anxiety they experience.
The anxious cycle can start if a person experiences as few as one symptom.
When a person starts working out, for instance, their level of fear may increase as they sense their heart beating faster.
The level of anxiety you experience will increase as your system copes with the stresses.
Of course, these new changes lead to greater anxiousness which leads to more symptoms.
As the cycle becomes more frequent, the number of anxiety experienced increases; this can make it hard to end or prevent future anxiety attacks.
There is good news, however.
Treatments that are designed help stop the cycle and cure anxiety are available.
A method that requires a person to experience the physical symptoms of anxiety, purposely in a controlled environment is known as Interoceptive Exposure.
The patient will try to create the sensations, sometimes by breathing through a small straw for a little while.
Many things will occur that help prevent anxiety from causing a disturbance in your life when the issues are repeatedly and consciously confronted without hesitation.
By exposing yourself to these sensations repeatedly, your anxiety will actually decrease in time.
The reason this method works so well is that planned exposure allows you to experience your fear in a controlled manner.
As you live through the panic, you learn that, despite how scary the attacks are, they are actually not dangerous.
Learning this gives you power over the anxiety, and your anxiety will decrease in both severity and frequency.
While you go through the treatment program of exposure, you will find your anxiety decreasing in number and in intensity.
You will discover that the side effects of your attacks are less dangerous than you feared and you will learn to control them.
The exposure treatment can often cure anxiety, and will without a doubt help you get control over yours.
Anxiety is debilitating to the people who suffer from it.
The physical symptoms are often accompanied by a devastating sense of impending doom or even death and can often be mistaken for the symptoms of a heart attack.
Interoceptive Exposure is an effective treatment designed to help cure anxiety.
It works by having a person consciously experience physical symptoms of a anxiety in a controlled environment.

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