Small Native Flowering Border Plants
- Yarrow is used for a low-maintence and attractive border.Yarrow, Achillea millefolium (alternative names Common Yarrow, G image by Tamara Kulikova from
Native plants are chosen for planting in the garden because they grow naturally in the area and are pest and disease resistant. There are native plants available to use for every landscaping situation, from tall specimen plants to attractive borders. For attractive care-free borders, choose small native perennial flowering border plants. - Spotted Evergreen (Chimaphila maculata) is native to dry forests woods throughout the United States. It is useful for a dry sandy and shady location. The evergreen leaves are slightly variegated with a white vein running through the center of each leaf. Delicate white bell-shaped flowers appear in spring and early summer on top of 9-inch stems.
- Foam flower (Tiarella cordifolia) is a compact spreading perennial for rich, moist soils. The airy white flowers appear on stems extending 12 inches from the mound of green maple-shaped leaves with purple veins. Foam flower is not drought tolerant and grows best in a shady location.
- Lance-leaved stonecrop (Sedum lanceolatum) is a succulent native to the Western United States and is used in sunny, hot and dry locations. It is cold tolerant as far north as Alaska. Lance-leaved stonecrop produces yellow blooms in mid-summer. The foliage grows to 3 to 4 inches tall and the flower stalks to 6 inches.
- Pink Skullcap (Leguminosae Scutellaris suffrutesscens) grows to only 12 inches and has a spreading mounding habit. It is an evergreen plant that produces pink flowers throughout the summer. It is tolerant of dry weather and heat and grows best in a full-sun location.
- Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a low-growing perennial adapted to the United States and is evergreen in all but the warmest locations where it may become dormant in July and August. It has delicate foliage and spreads by seed and underground rhizomes. Yarrow produces flat umbrella-shaped blooms in the spring, and some varieties continue to bloom sporadically throughout the summer. The color of the flowers may be red, yellow, pink or white depending on the variety. The height of yarrow varies ranges from 1 to 3 feet, including the flower stem.