Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Teen Weight Loss-If You Don"t Start A Weight Loss Program Now You Will Continue To Gain Weight

Most teens are concerned about how they look and they have a desire to fit in. Typical teen comments are, I'm too short, I'm too tall, I'm too fat, My butt is too big, My breasts are too small. In teen years, it seems that weight and appearance play a major role in getting acceptance from peers. Overweight teenagers struggle in an already difficult social environment.

As children go through puberty, their bodies go through dramatic changes. Pubescent bodies are growing taller and changing shape. Hormones are released during puberty. These hormones increase body fat in girls and muscle mass in boys. In addition to changing size and shape, raging hormones also impact emotions and increased sexual interest.

Certain body characteristics are determined by genetics. How tall an individual will grow or our basic body shape and even where in the body fat will be stored is inherited from our parents. Of course, those are things we can't control or change.

Although the teen can't control their genetic makeup they can definitely control what they eat and how much they exercise. Too much sitting around has a negative effect on their waistline and their health. Watching TV is an example of the most common activity that leads to weight gain. Making bad food choices like candy, chips and soda pop can pack on calories with little nutritious benefit.

The parents must be good role models for their children when it comes to eating. These days, most parents who smoke cigarettes do it in an area where their children can't see them do it. They don't want the kids to think smoking is OK. That same attitude must be used for UN-healthy eating as well.

If the teenager is overweight and they don't start a weight loss program now, they will continue to gain weight.

The first weight loss program typically researched is a low calorie diet. Even though literally hundreds of them exist that are used by millions of people, low calorie diets do not work.

Look around as you go about your day to day business. Do you really think low calorie diets work now. The heavy people you see have all probably been on one diet or another that restricts caloric intake. The results speak for themselves.
Our bodies are really really smart, genius level. They adjust the amount of calories you burn constantly and it is based on what you consume. When your body discovers that you have reduced the amount of food that you eat, it adjusts the amount of calories that are burned for fuel.

The less you eat the less your body burns. You see, it doesn't want to starve. Have you ever starved yourself and didn't lose a pound? Do you know someone this happened too? Or have you reduced what you ate and lost a pound or two right away then gained it back and couldn't lose it again?

You can blame your body for this. You have a sensitive metabolism that will not let you starve. This is really cool if you were starving, not so cool if you are trying to lose weight.

The way around this is to use a Calorie Shifting weight loss program. Calorie Shifting confuses your body so much that it actually starts burning more calories then it normally does. This is how you lose weight.

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