Metal Button Necklace Project
- Create an organized work space.Michael Blann/Photodisc/Getty Images
Create a tidy work space with all the materials you'll need. A clean, organized work space on a table or desk is the cornerstone of any metal button necklace project because you will be working with many small materials. Organize the buttons by type or color, and keep any fasteners you plan on using in small bowls or cups. Be sure to close windows around your working area because a strong breeze could send your project materials all over the floor. - Needle-nose pliers are useful for crimping necklace ends.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Metal button projects will require various materials depending on the type of necklace you're creating. Some of the materials you'll need will be buttons, a glue gun with glue cartridges, string or wire to string the buttons on, bead crimps, necklace closure pieces and needle-nose pliers. These supplies can be purchased at craft stores and large supercenters in the fabric and sewing section. - Use string or wire to hold the buttons for the necklace.Hemera Technologies/ Images
According to the Beading Arts blog, metal buttons can be sewn onto fabric and the fabric cut out around the button to create a soft felt backing for the necklace. Necklaces can be made with string or wire to keep all the buttons attached. For example, if you want to create a necklace with just a single button, you might want to use string or a silk cord. For necklaces that will have many beads and buttons, wire will work better to hold the necklace's form and keep all the materials together. - Custom-make necklaces to showcase your own personal taste and style.Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Metal buttons can be plentiful, as Martha Stewart's niece Sophie shows on, with many buttons and different strings, creating a look that appears to have several necklaces overlapping one another. Necklaces can be smaller and less intricate, with several small buttons surrounding one larger center piece. Finally, necklaces can include many buttons on a circular wire, which lays flat against the chest. Be creative with your ideas and craft a necklace that showcases your personal style.