The Best Time to Plant Knockout Roses in Hot Climates
- When it comes to planting time, Knock Out roses need to be treated like any other type of rose. In hot climates, it's generally best to plant Knock Outs in late fall or early winter. You can determine whether your locale is a hot climate by knowing your what USDA plant hardiness zone you live in. A hardiness zone is a geographically defined area whose climatic conditions determine what plants can survive there.
- If you live in a hot climate, chances are your soil rarely freezes--or if it does, it does so for only a brief time. You can plant bare root roses at any time of the winter, regardless of your location. However, January and February are the best months to plant bare-root Knock Outs in warmer areas of the United States.
- After planting, make sure your Knock Out rose gets plenty of water. In hot climates, most shrubs emerge from dormancy in late winter or very early spring and slowly begin to take up water. Don't let the roots dry out, but don't over-water either.