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Bamboo Plant Care Information

    Types of Bamboo Plants

    • Running bamboos have rhizomes, or underground stems, that grow out from parent plants for some distance before sending up new vertical shoots, forming large patches or groves, unless confined. Varieties of running bamboo include Tonkin Cane, Teastick Bamboo, Marbled Bamboo, Golden Bamboo, Arrow Bamboo, Palmate Bamboo, Narihira Bamboo and Shibataea. The rhizomes of clump bamboos grow only a short distance from the parent plant before sending up new shoots, which form clumps that expand slowly around the edges. Varieties of clumping bamboo include Beechey Bamboo, Chusquea, Fargesia and Mexican Weeping Bamboo.

    Bamboo Plant Selection

    • Bamboo plants have more rapid growth when planted from containers with crowded, root-bound plants. Container-grown bamboo plants can be transplanted year round. Plant bamboo in humus-rich soil and allow leaves to remain on the ground when they fall, to serve as organic mulch


    • Culms have attained their maximum diameter when they appear above ground, and they reach their maximum height within a month of growth. Mature bamboos have a very rapid growth rate, with culms of giant types gaining several feet a day during their brief growth period. This growth rate builds gradually, over three to five years after planting, after plants have established strong rhizome systems to support such aggressive growth. To increase growth and size on young bamboos, water frequently and apply high nitrogen fertilizer on a monthly basis.


    • Bamboos can be propagated from existing clumps prior to the beginning of new growth in the spring. Divide hardy varieties in March or April, and tropical varieties in May or early June. To divide, cut or saw divisions with roots attached and at least three connecting culms. Cut back the tops of large divisions to balance out the plant from the loss of roots and rhizomes.

      You can also propagate bamboos by cutting rhizomes. In clump bamboos, cut the rooted base of the culm, or cut a foot-long length of rhizome with roots and buds in running varieties. Plant cuttings in soil with ample organic material or compost added.


    • To prevent bamboos from spreading into areas where they are not wanted, confinement may be necessary. Create 1 1/2-foot barriers with strips of galvanized sheet metal or poured concrete. Bamboo plants may also be contained by planting in flue tiles or bottomless oil drums.

      Spread on clumping varieties can be limited by inserting a spade around the diameter of the clump, to a full spade depth, or dig a foot-deep trench around running bamboos and severe rhizomes that grow into it. New shoots break off easily and do not resprout. Both types of bamboo plants do well when roots are confined.

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