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Dwarf Plumeria - Plant Information and Care

There are few true dwarf plumeria plants in existence.
The best example of a dwarf plumeria plant is the Dwarf Singapore Pink.
Origins of the plant are unknown, despite its Singapore name.
The dwarf plumeria is rumored to be the only plumeria able to bloom indoors, giving this plant a range of locations in which to thrive.
An abundant bloomer, the flowers of the dwarf plumeria are a light pink color, with a deep pink "vein" running through the middle of the underside of the petal.
The color fades to white after a day in the sun.
The hearty pink flowers measure up to 3.
25 inches in diameter, and smell faintly of citrus.
Each dwarf plumeria flower hosts a center colored with orange and red augmenting from the corolla tube.
The plant flowers slowly, but once flowers begin blooming, they will bloom for six months.
The dwarf plumeria exhibits a bushy appearance, with strong branches.
Leaves range from 6 to 7 inches in length, and generally measure 2.
25 inches in width.
Typically, as with most Plumeria obtusa species, the leaves present a glossy and leathery green upper surface.
As the dwarf plumeria is an evergreen, this plant can be maintained year round, with the proper care.
Caring for a plumeria is simple, since the plant is strong in leaf and flower.
The plant loves to be outside in the summertime, as it thrives well in tropical climates such as Hawaii.
This is not a plant which will spread easily; the dwarf plumeria will grow bushy and compact.
The height can reach four feet tall, and as wide in diameter, growing one foot per year for the first four years.
The plant should be fostered in a pot for at least two years, unless the climate rarely sees temperatures below 45 degrees Fahrenheit.
The dwarf-plumeria can be planted in a garden immediately if the climate is appropriate, though the plant also does well in potted plants in the home.
During the summer months, full or partial sunlight pleases these strong plants.
Winter months may be supplemented with bright filtered light provided for the dwarf-plumeria.
Surprisingly, the leaves of the dwarf plumeria may be cleaned with soapy water.
Once a month, spritz the leaves with a one to one soap and water solution, and mist leaves.
Let them air dry to discourage pests and keep the shine of the glossy surface of the leaf.
When replanting the plumeria, be sure the soil taking care of the roots is well-draining.
The plant does not tolerate standing water well; it needs to be able to drain quickly after watering or rainfall.
Make sure the topsoil stays moist, watering when the first few inches of soil have become anhydrous.
Plumerias should be pruned often to remove brown leaves and stems.
The plant will lose leaves on its own occasionally, but to maintain a healthy and nice looking plant, pruning is necessary on occasion.
Plumerias are tropical plants, and the dwarf plumeria is the heartiest of the bunch.
Bright, fragrant, and strong, this plant is a nice addition to a garden or indoor plant collection.

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