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Inspirational oil paintings

Oil paintings are based on different themes like nature, feelings, religion etc. Inspirational oil paintings are very exciting because some of the best oil paintings that the world has ever seen were based on religion. In fact great artists have showcased their talent through their paintings based on religion. These paintings have been appreciated generation after generation. Inspirational oil paintings encompass different cultures.

inspirational oil paintings [] based on Christianity is very popular in the western countries. Great artists like Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci were associated with the Renaissance art. At one time this art flourished in Europe. Some of the spiritual oil paintings depicted the best inspirational buildings of the past. During that time there was a close association between art and religion because the society itself was very inspirational. However with time inspirational art has given way to a different art today which some opine as to be sterile. Of course art has changed a lot today but at the same time there is no dearth of impressive artists in the modern world.

Usually scenes taken from the bible or situations involving individuals are depicted in inspirational oil paintings. In the west this type of oil painting used to derive its inspiration from Jesus Christ and Madonna. In the same way in other regions inspirational oil paintings depicted inspirational art based on religions flourishing there. However the paintings had no resemblance to that of the western paintings. In fact western paintings were different from the rest in terms of emotion and symbolism which was more pronounced. Interestingly modern day paintings particularly the contemporary and abstract styles have lot in common with the western paintings of yore.

In terms of popularity inspirational oil paintings has remained unmatched for ages but the fact is that nowadays it is only the older generation which understands the value of this type of painting. The newer generation inclined towards art are undecided on how to fit spiritual oil paintings in their modern homes. They have a point here because these grand paintings with bulky frames are a mismatch for modern homes where space is a constraint.

Even then there is every possibility that oil paintings based on renaissance art will continue to thrive in modern times. However to become more contemporary, inspirational oil paintings have to add some extra abstractness and color. For a true art connoisseur oil paintings based on inspirational themes will always hold a special place.

Buy oil paintings direct from Canadian artist Lena Karpinsky on her website,

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