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Back to School - Six Things That Impress Teachers

A new school year - a new opportunity to excel! Not to mention the new clothes, new book bags, pens, and notebooks that add to the excitement of the new year.
There might even be new friends to be made.
There will certainly be new teachers to impress.
So how do you impress a teacher? Or maybe the question should be, why would or should you want to impress your teachers? I'll answer the last question first.
You should want to impress your teachers because they are the people who will have the power over you and your grade-point average for the duration of your school life.
That puts them in a whole new light now, doesn't it? Now, no one is saying you have to bring your teachers apples every day (although I'm sure they would appreciate that bit of thoughtfulness).
You can bring them something even better.
Here are some things teachers like better than apples, I call them the six Ps:
  1. Punctuality.
    Teachers love students who are on time.
  2. Preparation.
    Teachers love students who are prepared (probably even more than students who show up on time, but do no homework or studying for a test).
  3. Participation.
    Teachers love students who answer questions voluntarily.
    How would you like to be standing in front of a room, looking out at eighteen to twenty faces with glazed-over eyes?
  4. Politeness.
    Yes, I know it is uncool to say please and thank you to an adult, much less to one in authority; however, the people who are grading your coolness factor are unfortunately not the ones grading your tests, quizzes, or class participation.
    Being impolite to your teacher works against you.
    For example, your grade is between an A and B, and which way it tilts is up to your teacher.
    How do you think that teacher you've made no attempt to be polite to, be prepared for, or show respect with punctuality all semester will grade you? I'm betting the B...
    how about you?
  5. Perseverance.
    You may not be the brightest kid in the class, but teachers love students who don't give up when they don't get it but keep on trying until they do.
  6. Proactivity.
    Teachers love students who get their homework assignment ahead of time if they know they're going to be out, arrange for a friend to pick it up for them, or get it online.
    They also love students who speak up and ask for something to be repeated when they don't understand it, or who find a tutor when they realize they are not able to keep up with a subject by themselves.
Just a few thoughts on why you might want to impress your teacher this school year--and a few ways to accomplish it.
Remember, teachers are people too, and nine times out of ten, they want you to do well.
Yes, I know there are some teachers who seem evil for no reason.
Those are the ones you should try the above steps on first.
If they don't work and the teacher is truly being unfair to you, don't get frustrated and ruin all your good work, just call in your backup team--your parent(s)! Here's to a great school year!

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