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How to Propagate Hardy Hibiscus

    Propagating from Seeds

    • 1). Select hardy hibiscus seeds that will grow in your hardiness zone, soil and climatic conditions. Seeds can be purchased or collected from seed pods on parent plants.

    • 2). Place fine potting soil into individual containers. Use pre-made containers from local garden center or disposable drinking cups with holes punched in the bottom for drainage.

    • 3). Nick the end of each seed to remove some of the seed coat. This improves its ability to take in water. It is also a good way to identify viable seeds. Look for white flesh within each seed.

    • 4). Plant the seeds by making a hole in the soil about 1 inch deep. Place one seed in each pot, and cover with potting soil.

    • 5). Water the seeds lightly and cover them loosely with plastic wrap. Keep the wrap in place with rubber bands or tape. This will help the seeds stay moist.

    • 6). Place the containers in the sun to encourage the seeds to germinate. Watch for growth within the next few weeks. Mist with water regularly.

    • 7). Transplant seedlings once the plants have grown several inches. Plant them in a larger pot or in fertile, prepared soil in your garden.

    • 8). Fertilize your hardy hibiscus plants and water regularly to encourage them to grow and bloom.

    Propagating from Cuttings

    • 1). Select stems from healthy hibiscus plants with smaller leaves and buds. Take cuttings approximately 4 inches long from these stems . Be sure each cutting has at least three pairs of leaves.

    • 2). Remove the bottom pair of leaves with sharp knife and dust the cut end with rooting compound.

    • 3). Insert the cuttings into a moist rooting medium such as perlite, sand or potting soil.

    • 4). Water the cuttings well and place them in a warm, sunny area, watering regularly, but do not over water. Tent each cutting with a plastic bag. The hibiscus cuttings will begin to root in around six weeks.

    Propagating by Division

    • 1). Dig up a large hibiscus plant carefully and remove all excess soil from around the roots.

    • 2). Look for areas at the base of the stems to identify places where they can be separated at the roots.

    • 3). Carefully separate the roots by hand, ensuring that there are enough stems in each separated piece to form a new plant. Cut any larger roots with the garden shears.

    • 4). Continue this process until all separations are complete.

    • 5). Transplant each new hardy hibiscus plant into freshly turned soil, or into containers filled with potting soil and water thoroughly.

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