Three Simple Techniques For Dealing With Anxiety
The amount of anxiety each of us deal with on a day to day basis has never been more extreme, thus the need for finding techniques for dealing with anxiety has never been greater.
Let's face it, life is a complicated interaction of seemingly never ending stresses, that range from mild to severe, that can severely impair our ability to perform at our best both emotionally and physically.
Hopefully the techniques for dealing with anxiety put forward in this article will help you to reel in problem anxiety so that you can lead a happier and more fulfilling life.
Now let's explore a few techniques for dealing with anxiety.
*Step away, if just for a moment: I recognize that this is not always possible but let's be realistic, when your anxiety rages you are not going to be able to think clearly.
You may make a rash decision that will impact you and others around you for years to some.
So just step back and take a few minutes to get away from the source and look at the bigger picture.
Many high level business people have mastered this skill and you should too! *Learn to breathe: Learning to breathe is one of the most effective techniques for dealing with anxiety.
Have you noticed that when you get anxious your breathing becomes faster and shallower? This natural fight or flight response throws off the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood producing foggy thinking, blood pressure spikes, and an increased heart rate.
So when you feel anxiety coming on learn to take deep breaths, letting the air out through your mouth slowly.
Simply, repeat this exercise until you feel your anxiety subsiding.
*Challenge your anxious thinking: The way you think has a definite impact on the way you feel.
Those individuals prone to anxiety almost always think about things in ways that increase their anxiousness.
The next time you have a bout of anxiety ask yourself these questions: In a year, how important will this event be to me?; Is this concern truly as awful as it seems to be?; Am I making a dire prediction without any real basis?; Is there some evidence to contradict my anxious thoughts? In summary, finding techniques to deal with anxiety as listed above are an important part of managing and controlling this troublesome condition.
Additionally, many have found that they need a little extra help and have found that help in the form of natural remedies for anxiety.
These are safe and effective alternative treatments that support the health of the nervous system while maintaining emotional balance during everyday pressure, stress, and nervous tension.
Let's face it, life is a complicated interaction of seemingly never ending stresses, that range from mild to severe, that can severely impair our ability to perform at our best both emotionally and physically.
Hopefully the techniques for dealing with anxiety put forward in this article will help you to reel in problem anxiety so that you can lead a happier and more fulfilling life.
Now let's explore a few techniques for dealing with anxiety.
*Step away, if just for a moment: I recognize that this is not always possible but let's be realistic, when your anxiety rages you are not going to be able to think clearly.
You may make a rash decision that will impact you and others around you for years to some.
So just step back and take a few minutes to get away from the source and look at the bigger picture.
Many high level business people have mastered this skill and you should too! *Learn to breathe: Learning to breathe is one of the most effective techniques for dealing with anxiety.
Have you noticed that when you get anxious your breathing becomes faster and shallower? This natural fight or flight response throws off the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood producing foggy thinking, blood pressure spikes, and an increased heart rate.
So when you feel anxiety coming on learn to take deep breaths, letting the air out through your mouth slowly.
Simply, repeat this exercise until you feel your anxiety subsiding.
*Challenge your anxious thinking: The way you think has a definite impact on the way you feel.
Those individuals prone to anxiety almost always think about things in ways that increase their anxiousness.
The next time you have a bout of anxiety ask yourself these questions: In a year, how important will this event be to me?; Is this concern truly as awful as it seems to be?; Am I making a dire prediction without any real basis?; Is there some evidence to contradict my anxious thoughts? In summary, finding techniques to deal with anxiety as listed above are an important part of managing and controlling this troublesome condition.
Additionally, many have found that they need a little extra help and have found that help in the form of natural remedies for anxiety.
These are safe and effective alternative treatments that support the health of the nervous system while maintaining emotional balance during everyday pressure, stress, and nervous tension.