How to Transfer Thunderbird to a New Computer
- 1). Place your USB stick into a USB port on your old computer. When the window pops up asking what you want to do, choose to view the files in Windows Explorer.
- 2). Click on the Windows button in the lower-left corner of your desktop. Type %AppData%\Thunderbird\ into the search box.
- 3). Click on the Profiles folder that appears in the search results to open it up in Windows Explorer.
- 4). Click and hold your mouse button on the folder that has eight random letters and numbers followed by ".default". Drag that folder to your memory stick's Explorer window and release the button. If you had a lot of information, the transfer process can take several minutes. Remove the USB drive from the computer once the transfer is complete.
- 5). Move to your new computer and install the Thunderbird program, which you can get from the link in the Resources section. Start the program to create your profile.
- 6). Click on the Windows button again and enter in: %AppData%\Thunderbird\ then select the Profiles folder from the list that appears.
- 7). Place the USB drive into this computer and choose to open the files with Windows Explorer.
- 8). Click on hold on the "xxxxxxxx.default" folder, where the Xs are the eight random digits that Thunderbird assigned to the folder. Drag the folder to your "Profiles" folder and release the button. Write down the eight digits that are at the start of this folder.
- 9). Click on "Thunderbird" in the address bar of your Windows Explorer to access the Thunderbird folder. Double-click on the "Profiles" file, which will be listed directly below the Profiles folder.
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Find the "Path=Profiles/xxxxxxxx.default" line in the Profiles file. Change the eight digits to the eight that you wrote down from your Profiles folder. Then click on "File" and choose "Save." Then close all the windows. All your Thunderbird information will be available when you open the program.