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Ice Fishing, How to Be More Successful

Have you ever thought, there must be a better ice fishing tipup for Walley, Perch and Crappie that is have a more sensitive bite system.
Most tipups on the market today have some type of spring activated flag assembly that quit frankly adds unwanted resistance to the line when a fish bites on a tipup.
It's not to often you see or hear of people fishing with or catching "especially perch and Crappie" with tip ups.
These fish can be very finicky when it comes to ice fishing and it doesn't take much for one to spit the bait once it grabs it because it feels resistance.
Next time your checking your minnows during fishing or at the end of the day when you bring your lines up, take a close look at the minnows and you may find that they are all scaled up or dead from fish grabbing them and letting them go without ever tripping the flag on the tip-up.
Though the years I have ice fished with a box type tip ups that have a very sensitive trip assembly.
This type tip up simply catches more fish do to the real and flag trip assembly coupled with the heating system that keeps the hole from freezing up and the reel turning free.
A box tip pup with a backlash and tangle resistant can make a big be the difference between going home with no fish or coming home with a good meal of fish for the table.
It's always been a problem trying to find a reel that turns free enough for Perch, Crappie and Walley but will not backlash when a larger more aggressive fish such as a northern takes the bait.
It's also a big advantage to have reel in a tip-up is that it hasadjustable positioning to allow the reel to be pushed back when fighting a fish or pulled all the way forward when reeling the line it up.
A cork on a reel assembly offers a place to put the hook when not in use keeping the line from getting tangled.
Ice fishing tip ups that also have a flag that allows for 360 degree viewing and one eliminates wind trips can make for a more hassle free day of ice fishing as well.
Between an adjustable slide weight on the flag and an adjustable position reel a quality box tipup can be set for the most sensitive of bites.
It can also be set to allow more resistance for when your ice fishing with larger bait that may trip the flag.
A " Can in a Can" heating system can be used with a candle or charcoal to keep your hole from freezing in extreme cold temps.
It's nice to have a tip up that keeps the hole from freezing for 6 or more hours in temps of -10 degrees with 5-6 pieces of charcoal.
A candle, that can be used in place of charcoal will also keep the hole from freezing in subzero temps.
Having black color and shape of a box allow it to absorb sun light and will keep the hole open in temps down to 15 degrees or lower.
Box tip ups are definitely worth the money.
It may seem like a lot to pay for a tip-up but if you consider it will last a life time it's not a bad investment.
Think about how much you have spent in the past on equipment that has made your outdoor experience more successful and enjoyable like high price fishing poles, reels, guns, amo, scopes and apparel.
If your going to spend the time and money on bait and gas to go fishing why wouldn't you want to catch more fish.
If you are fishing a heated box tipup next to your friends with the old spring type flag tip ups odds are you will catch more fish.

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