How to Paint a Refrigerator with Epoxy Paint
- 1). Prepare your workspace. Open windows to ventilate the area well. Cover the floor and surrounding walls with drop cloths. Apply painter’s tape over spots on the refrigerator that should not be painted, such as the plastic handle, vents at the bottom of the refrigerator, the rubber door seal and the ice or water dispenser. Epoxy paint is designed for use only on metal.
- 2). Scrub rusted spots and loose paint with medium-grit sandpaper. If the surface of the refrigerator is glossy, lightly sand the entire surface to help the new paint stick.
- 3). Clean the refrigerator's entire exterior surface using a rag and a mixture of dish soap and water. Rinse the surface, and let it dry completely.
- 4). Shake the can of epoxy spray paint well for about one minute.
- 5). Hold the epoxy paint can's nozzle 8 to 12 inches from the surface of the top of the refrigerator. Press down on the can's nozzle, and begin spraying the paint, starting at the top of the refrigerator and working your way down its surface. Move the can in one continuous back-and-forth motion, painting from one side of the refrigerator to the other side. Overlap each row of paint to ensure adequate paint coverage. Release the nozzle as few times as possible to avoid forming pools of paint. Continue this process until the entire refrigerator is painted.
- 6). Allow the paint to dry according to its manufacturer’s instructions, which is usually about 30 minutes. If desired, apply a second coat of paint on top of the first dry coat of paint. Let the final coat of paint dry for at least two to four hours before touching the refrigerator's surface.