What Is Swype for the DROID?
- Swype operates as an enhanced virtual keyboard for touch screen users. It was designed to allow a user to enter a whole word without even lifting her finger or stylus pen-tip from the screen. A user simply drags his finger across the screen, tracing a path over the letters in a word he wants to spell. The program then compiles the word from the letters traced. Swype's website even boasts that accuracy need not be an issue, as long as the user hits the letters she needs as she traces the word.
- Swype is designed with a number of features to improve ease-of-use and increase text input speed. This includes automatic spacing between words, automatic spelling correction and a shortcut for capitalization. It's built-in dictionary comes pre-loaded with 65,000 words, and can be taught new ones through use. It also includes automatic support for accented characters, 50 symbols, a statistical tracker to monitor your speed, and an automatic help system. Swype also features an interactive tutorial for new users, and a slider to fine-tune the programs parameters based on whether you want a "Faster Response," or want it to adapt to "Sloppier Input."
- The Swype application itself has a small file size, requiring only 500KB to 900KB of storage space, and 250KB for the dictionary database. The program is broken down into three components, including the input path analyzer that determines what word the user is typing, and the dictionary database to find words to correspond with the input. It also includes a user interface that can be customized by developers to fit best with their platform. The Swype interface is presented as a QWERTY keyboard for ease of use.
- Swype is available for all devices running the Android operating system, including touch screen-equipped smartphones and tablets. As of publication, version 3 of Swype is available to users as an open beta, and incorporates special features for tablets.