Symptoms Of Child Anxiety
Anxiety attacks amongst children are fairly common, the exact amount of sufferers however is unknown, more than likely due to the fact the condition is often under-diagnosed or just not reported.
With good medical care it is treatable, but experts say that if childhood anxiety is left untreated it is more than likely to manifest into an adult psychiatric disorder.
In short taking the necessary steps to treat childhood anxiety attacks will help to reduce the chances of suffering from anxiety in adulthood.
The following is a few signs and symptoms of child anxiety for you to look out for to see if your child is suffering from an anxiety disorder.
Generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, is characterized by fear or chronic worry of just about anything and everything without any logical reason.
The childhood symptoms for GAD are very similar to the adult version.
Sufferers of GAD can complain of fatigue, upset stomach, difficulty with sleeping and restlessness.
Also the child may cry, throw tantrums, may be hyped up, have bad dreams and even start to have problems in school.
A very common problem with children when they reach school age is Separation Anxiety.
They can show signs of panic and fear at being separated from their home and parents.
The symptoms can include crying and begging not to have to go to school.
It's possible also that the child will complain of ailments that would normally keep him or her away from school.
Alternately, the child may display an attitude when at home or when in the company of the parents.
Almost the opposite to separation anxiety you have Social Phobia.
A child with social phobia may choose to stay at home.
They will stay away from others because they feel they don't fit in or they are scared of being humiliated in public.
The will choose to stay at home and watch TV or read a book rather than going out and mixing with others.
Closely linked to social anxiety you get Performance Anxiety.
A child that has difficulties with mathematics and reading can make themselves ill and panic if they are called on to do something in front of the whole class.
They may also show signs of fear during physical education class if they are not very good at sports.
So what cause anxiety in children? There are a number of way children can be effected by anxiety.
Research has shown that children that have anxious parents are more likely to suffer from anxiety.
A child can also develop anxiety if it is brought up by perfectly normal parents.
It is possible for them to develop anxiety as a result of a bad experience.
Being a victim of bullying, humiliation in front of their classmates, being ridiculed by their peers are all childhood related problems that can bring on anxiety problems.
There are also family issues such as the death of a family member or close friend, parents separating, abuse, or any traumatic experience.
Lastly there are personal phobias like being afraid of the dark, fear of being alone and fear of certain animals.
If your child is suffering from the symptoms of child anxiety they can be the same as a number of other medical problems, some a lot worse than anxiety.
It is very important that you take your child to the doctor to be properly diagnosed so they can get the correct treatment they need.
With good medical care it is treatable, but experts say that if childhood anxiety is left untreated it is more than likely to manifest into an adult psychiatric disorder.
In short taking the necessary steps to treat childhood anxiety attacks will help to reduce the chances of suffering from anxiety in adulthood.
The following is a few signs and symptoms of child anxiety for you to look out for to see if your child is suffering from an anxiety disorder.
Generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, is characterized by fear or chronic worry of just about anything and everything without any logical reason.
The childhood symptoms for GAD are very similar to the adult version.
Sufferers of GAD can complain of fatigue, upset stomach, difficulty with sleeping and restlessness.
Also the child may cry, throw tantrums, may be hyped up, have bad dreams and even start to have problems in school.
A very common problem with children when they reach school age is Separation Anxiety.
They can show signs of panic and fear at being separated from their home and parents.
The symptoms can include crying and begging not to have to go to school.
It's possible also that the child will complain of ailments that would normally keep him or her away from school.
Alternately, the child may display an attitude when at home or when in the company of the parents.
Almost the opposite to separation anxiety you have Social Phobia.
A child with social phobia may choose to stay at home.
They will stay away from others because they feel they don't fit in or they are scared of being humiliated in public.
The will choose to stay at home and watch TV or read a book rather than going out and mixing with others.
Closely linked to social anxiety you get Performance Anxiety.
A child that has difficulties with mathematics and reading can make themselves ill and panic if they are called on to do something in front of the whole class.
They may also show signs of fear during physical education class if they are not very good at sports.
So what cause anxiety in children? There are a number of way children can be effected by anxiety.
Research has shown that children that have anxious parents are more likely to suffer from anxiety.
A child can also develop anxiety if it is brought up by perfectly normal parents.
It is possible for them to develop anxiety as a result of a bad experience.
Being a victim of bullying, humiliation in front of their classmates, being ridiculed by their peers are all childhood related problems that can bring on anxiety problems.
There are also family issues such as the death of a family member or close friend, parents separating, abuse, or any traumatic experience.
Lastly there are personal phobias like being afraid of the dark, fear of being alone and fear of certain animals.
If your child is suffering from the symptoms of child anxiety they can be the same as a number of other medical problems, some a lot worse than anxiety.
It is very important that you take your child to the doctor to be properly diagnosed so they can get the correct treatment they need.