How to Buy a Pee Wee Oakleaf Hydrangea
- 1). Lift up your Pee Wee oakleaf hydrangea and inspect the plant for signs of fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, cercospora leaf spot, root rot or anthracnose. Common signs of a fungal disease include spotted leaves, plant dicoloration, defoliation and disfigured blossoms.
- 2). Flip the leaves and examine the plant for insects like mites, aphids and Japanese beetles. Look for bite marks or bugs climbing in the soil.
- 3). Check the plant for yellowing leaves, which signifies a nutrient imbalance of too much iron in the soil. Iron chlorosis commonly occurs when the pH range of the soil is too high for the plant to absorb nutrients. If you decide to purchase the plant, you will have to lower the pH range by adding sulfur to your planting site.
- 4). Set the plant on its side and inspect the roots. Roots that are brown or mushy indicate root rot. Root rot can occur when there is not enough drainage or when the plant has been improperly planted in the nursery container.
- 5). Measure the area to ensure that it can accommodate the size of the Pee Wee hydrangea. Pee Wee oakleaf hydrangeas can grow to 4 feet in width and 4 feet in height.