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How to Spackle Wall Boards

    • 1). Use your putty knife to clean out the hole, gouge or crack in the wallboard. Make sure there are no frayed or loose edges around the area and no debris inside it.

    • 2). Scoop up some spackle on your putty knife. Press it into the damaged area, making sure to fill it completely. Press it tightly, so it mounds up over the top of the surface.

    • 3). Scrap off the excess spackle off the top of the damaged area by running the edge of the putty knife flat across the surface of the area.

    • 4). Let the spackle set overnight.

    • 5). Re-apply a very thin layer of spackle, if necessary, to fill in any cracks that formed in the surface as it dried.

    • 6). Lightly sand the spackle once it is completely dry and free of any cracks. You are now ready to repaint the area.

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