What Can I Put on My Walls to Kill Mold?
- Bleach is one of the most common cleaning solutions that will kill mold on hard surfaces, such as metal or plastic. It is not as effective in killing mold on wood, and it can damage upholstered surfaces or carpets. To use it, mix 1 part bleach with 10 parts water. Apply the solution to the mold growth with a clean cloth or sponge. Rinse the area with clear water. Be aware that bleach is toxic.
- Borax is a natural product that will kill mold and remove it from your walls. Although it is natural, borax is toxic if ingested, so keep it away from children and pets. To use it, mix 1 cup borax with 1 gallon water. Apply the solution to the wall with a sponge. Work until the mold is completely removed from the wall. Don't rinse off the borax solution, as it will continue to keep the mold from growing on the wall.
- Ammonia is another product that will kill mold on your walls. Toxic on its own, if mixed with bleach, ammonia creates deadly fumes, so do not use it with any bleach product. To use it, mix 1 part ammonia with 1 part water. Apply the solution to the wall with a clean cloth. Wipe up the area and rinse it with clear water.
- White vinegar is another natural product that you can use to remove mold from the wall in your home. White vinegar is a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal that will remove bacteria, as well as mold. To use it, spray the white vinegar on the wall and let it dry completely. Scrub off visible mold and wipe it away with a clean cloth. Let the white vinegar residue remain, as it will prevent more mold from growing.
- Essential oils are normally used in homemade cleaning solutions to add a pleasant fragrance. Two essential oils, however, have antibacterial and fungal properties. These are tea tree oil and grapefruit seed extract. To use them, mix 20 drops of either essential oil with 1 cup water. Spray the solution over the wall and let it stay there until the mold is dead. Scrub off visible mold growth, but leave the residue to prevent more mold from growing there.