Technology computers-hardware

Video: How to Record With a Webcam on an Apple iMac

Video Transcript

Hi, my name is Jonesy, and today I'm going to show you how to record with a webcam on an Apple Mac computer. So what you're going to want to do is go open up QuickTime player. Right here on my dock already. And then you want to go up to file and choose new movie recording. All right. There it is. And then record a movie you just click the record button and it's recording. Hello. All right. Then I'll stop it. And then what you're going to do is click the X. You're going to close it. When you close it, it's going to ask you what you want to call it and where you want to save it. Now let's say you shot it and you didn't like your recording, you could click don't save and do it again but if you did like it you want to call it something. I'll just call it my test and I'll put mine in my movies and I'll click save. And it's going to export. And that's it. So once again my name is Jonesy, and I just showed you how to record with a webcam on an Apple Mac computer.

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