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FAQs About Genital Herpes Treatments and Symptoms

What is Genital Herpes? It is a sexually transmitted disease caused by two types of virus HSV-1 or HSV-2.
This virus has the ability to stay dormant within your body even for years before becoming active.
Once it expresses itself, a person can experience various outbreaks.
There is no cure to eliminate the virus nowadays but there are effective genital herpes treatments to maintain the virus inactive.
Who has the virus? It is a common disease that affect 1 out 5 five Americans.
However, the majority of people who have been infected do not know about it as they have not had any outbreaks.
What are the symptoms when you have an outbreak? Blisters and vesicles in the infected areas most commonly in the genitals but can spread around in the thighs, anus, stomach.
Blisters usually open up, cluster and heal.
This can cause sore and itchy feelings in those areas but also an unusual feeling in your legs like if you had worked out very intensively, this is known as "tingling".
Is Genital Herpes contagious? Yes, you can transmit the disease to your partner so it is very important that you inform him/her of your condition.
When you have an outbreak it is advisable to avoid having any sexual activities, when you do not have an outbreak you can have a normal sexual life but bear in mind that you could still transmit the Herpes Simplex Virus.
How long does it take to have the first outbreak? It is commonly said that it takes up to three weeks, but there are no certainties here because, as we said before, many infected people never have one, some can have one in their lives, others many.
What are the best treatments available? There are drugs that can reduce the symptoms and mitigate the effect of the virus.
At the first sign of an outbreak you should immediately take the drug.
When the virus is particularly strong, your doctor could advise you to assume antiviral drugs for a longer period to weaken the virus.
Alternatively, you can decide to go for natural genital herpes treatment which aim to boost your immune system and make the virus inactive.

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