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Interview with Stylista Kate

On the first season of the CW's reality series Stylista, one cast member stood out from the rest, due to her sense of style and refusal to back down under pressure. Kate Gallagher didn't make it to the final round of Stylista, but she did make a big impression on the American audience. I was pleased to find out that her bubbly personality on screen is true to life. She was nice enough to sit down and answer a few questions for me.

Rain:First off, tell us what fashion item you just can't live without right now.

Kate: I have a plaid red RUGBY shirt by Ralph Lauren. I wear it as a dress lined with a slip and a belt. I wear it with tights. I wear it with jeans and Uggs. I wear it to dance around in my house with nothing else. Something about a men's shirt. I'm not really sure what my deal is with this Risky Business look but I'm loving it. The poor thing gets dropped off for washing every Thursday.

Rain:You have mentioned your mother as a big influence on your fashion sensibilities. What did she think about the show?

Kate: I always say that my fashion sense is more volatile than Elizabeth Taylor's young love life. I think that's very true. Just like my mind changes constantly, so do my outfits. I dress from emotion. Whatever I feel like that day is what you are going to see on my body. I turn anything longer than 20inches into a dress, sans Britney. My mother is my biggest critic and my biggest fan all at the same time.

I think that's why I was so fearless with Anne, I'm used to listening and I'm not afraid of constructive criticism. The rest of the cast was scared. I think in fashion and in any job you need a sense of humility and that is learned. My mother I share this insane passion for music. Sometimes late at night we would blast the Red Hot Chili Peppers or Paul Simon and just dance around our house. My style is very influenced by pop culture and LA, and she knows that.

As far as the show is concerned. She hates some internet comments, as do I because people can write anything they want no matter how absurd. We both were like, "What is this crap," when I first hit the public eye, but we've totally adjusted. It comes with the territory I've learned, and I'm at the point now where it's like if you have nothing better to do at 2am, on a Thursday besides write about my bad grade in math class from 9 years ago or a date I went on in 2004, then I shouldn't be so worried. These are my loyal viewers too! My mom just loves Joe Zee, Anne makes her smile (guess it's our DNA because she made me smile too). The way I'm treated, she's not a big fan. When my mom told me to go home she wasn't really telling me to quit, she's just a take no crap kind of woman so I think she was projecting her feelings at the time. She's a Scorpio. We all think Megan has her funny moments and to be honest I think everyone around me realizes how dramatically different I was from the rest of the cast. The behavior towards me is just simple Psych 101. We just love watching me on TV a lot.

Rain:When we watch Stylista, we see a lot of tension both at the Elle offices and in the house. Is the drama true-to-life, or are there a lot of calm moments left on the cutting room floor?

Kate: Oh God there was worse. I doubt the FCC would let some of the comments that came out of these kids mouths on air. Drama is real. Other cast members might say it's not but it is. It's all very real. I've got a huge big heart for the people who produced this show, the camera crew and everyone involved for doing such a great job accurately portraying us. There are hours and hours of footage though. I had some great moments that got cut for awful ones of me crying on the floor or wherever, but you know what they happened and I take responsibility for all my actions.

Rain:You were not afraid to argue with your teammates on fashion and layout choices. At judgment time, you and Anne always saw eye-to-eye on the issues that were up for debate. Do you feel that this singles out your editorial skills?

Kate:I was so belittled in that house. They projected their hostilities on me during our group challenges. Anne and I did see eye-eye on so many things. The reality is I can't single out anyone in the top 5 besides me that has been praised for anything specific in a layout. Not one person. Several in fact have been on losing teams way more than I have. Arrogance is a funny thing.

Rain:There was a lot of conflict involving teamwork on Stylista. Malina V. Joseph writes, "...Kate is still green in her ability to work in a group setting and lacks social graces." in her Elle blog. Do you see any truth in that statement?

Kate: Malina can write whatever she wants. She's a beautiful, talented, respected writer. From the viewers perspective I did lack the ability to work in teams. I was fighting to win though. My teams tried to constantly lead me in a losing direction. Even in China Town, Ashlie and Devin were responsible for those layout decisions. I wanted a HUGE spa picture. I do place blame on other people. Why shouldn't I? In order to work on a team you have to respect one another. How can I respect people that had raging fits when their friends (that they knew for all of what 2 weeks?) went home and took no accountability for their work week after week? This was a competition and for me that was the end all be all. They weren't my team members they were the other team and I was my own captain. Social graces? Who needs em. I have them. They are boring at times. That's what acting is for. Until then, the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

Rain:Even though it looked like a harrowing time, I have to ask: Do you stay in contact with any of the Stylista cast?

Kate: I do. I've become quite close with Danielle we laugh on the phone so much that waters come out of my nose a few times. We will just sit and recite lines from Absolutely Fabulous until 1am. Cologne is a beauty with a wonderful personality and I wish we could be ice-skating right now! William what can I say besides I'm going to poke him on facebook right now.

I have a lot of respect for Ashlie even though I see her as a competitor I think she's a beautiful graceful woman.

Next, Kate tells us where she's going next.

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