Technology computers-hardware

How Do I Setup a Slave Drive?

    • 1). Turn your computer off and unplug the power cord. Never open your computer's case while it is plugged in.

    • 2). Open the computer's case.

    • 3). Locate your current hard drive. Compare the current jumper setting to the pin settings on the label. The jumper pins are usually located on the back of the drive by the cable connectors or on the side of the drive. The jumper is a small, rectangular piece of plastic with a copper lining. It will be attached to the jumper pins in the factory setting.

    • 4). If the jumper is currently set for cable select or CS, move it to the master, drive select or DS setting. All three of these terms mean the same thing but manufacturer's labeling methods vary. If the jumper is already set for master, leave it where it is.

    • 5). Locate the jumper pins on your new drive. Set the jumper to correspond to the slave present, SP or slave setting shown on the drive's label.

    • 6). Secure the new drive in an empty slot in the computer's drive bay. Use a screwdriver and mounting screws to attach the drive.

    • 7). Connect the controller and power cables to the new drive.

    • 8). Close the case, attach your power cord and turn your computer on.

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