Use of Aphrodisiacs
- The first step in this process is to research what aphrodisiacs are available. Throughout time there have been foods and herbs that have been touted as aphrodisiacs, but it's best to check into any scientific research. Additionally, research will tell you how much a certain aphrodisiac may cost, what the contents of the aphrodisiac are, and what effect it has on the body. This can be very important for many people, as many aphrodisiacs may contain herbs or nuts that they have an allergic reaction to. Very few things would counter any stimulating effect that an aphrodisiac might have once shortness of breath or breaking out in hives occurs, so read between the lines before trying anything.
- In addition to traditional aphrodisiacs (like chocolate, oysters and illegally obtained rhinocerous horn), medical science has also created at least one aphrodisiac of its own called bremelanotide. Regardless of the type of aphrodisiac that you intend on using, a consultation with a physician is never a bad idea. Often your doctor will be able to recommend, or will be able to direct you toward someone who can give a recommendation, as to what sort of aphrodisiac would be best for your particular body chemistry. This is an especially necessary step if you are seeking an aphrodisiac that requires a a prescription.
- Once you've consulted your doctor and done your research on your aphrodisiac of choice, purchase it, and make sure that you read any instructions for the aphrodisiac. Follow any instructions that come with the aphrodisiac, particularly with regard to how often the aphrodisiac can be safely used. Keep in mind that an aphrodisiac may not work the first time that you use it, or it may not even work for you at all. Several different types of aphrodisiac may have to be tried in order to find one that works for you.