Technology Electronics

Lipo RC Battery Packs For Remote Control Models

RC cars are a fun way to enjoy manufactured rushing or off-roading in a dust area. A battery pack for a n RC includes six to seven 1.2 voltage NiMh sub c standard rechargeable battery power.

They are linked in sequence to make a 7.2 or 8.4 v able of working most power RC vehicles on the market. Building an assortment pack can be better since you choose the type of elements to put into it.

Rough up the battery tabs with sandpaper, this will provide better adhesion for solder. The tabs are located at each end of the battery.

Put a small dot of solder onto each terminal. To solder on each tab, put the soldering iron on the tab and push the solder into the tab and soldering iron until solder melds onto the terminal surface.

Put the batteries into a speed jig, the batteries are going to be in series and you need to rotate the batteries so the terminals are opposite polarities next to each other. For example positive, negative, positive, negative terminals facing you.

 Place a battery bar across the battery tabs and position the soldering iron just to the side of the bar and push solder onto the iron to melt it onto the tab, soldering the battery bar into place.

Turn the speed jig over and repeat the soldering of the battery bar process, using care not to connect any two batteries that have already been attached. For example, if you attached battery one to two, and battery three to four on one side of the speed jig, you will need to solder the battery bar to battery two to three, and battery four to five on the other side of the speed jig.

Eliminate 1/8 to 1/4 inches the finishes of the cause cables from the plug you are using for your particular car lipo battery pack. Solder the red cause to the start beneficial tab and the dark to the start adverse tab.

Eliminate the battery power from the rate jig and cover those with power record to keep them together during use. For additional durability use zip tyes to keep them together before covering in power record.


To ensure peak performance from your packs, it's important to use the battery only once a day. Also, remember to wait for a heated battery to cool down before recharging it, and try to run it through a full charge-discharge cycle at least once a week.

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