Overcome the Fear of Driving the Right Way!
The fear of driving can be a very frustrating condition.
What seems like a normal drive for most people: driving in traffic, highways and bridges - these tasks becomes stressful and challenging for people with driving fears.
If you suffer from driving fears, you may find yourself trying very hard to get rid of it.
You will meditate frequently, exercise rigorously and even declare "get rid of driving fear as soon as possible" as your number one priority in life.
However, such methods can be counterproductive and instead, make it harder for you to overcome the fear of driving.
The odd thing about driving fear is this...
the harder you try, the deep you will sink into it.
You see...
when you try very hard to overcome your driving fears, you are unconsciously reinforcing it.
A good analogy here would be this: Suppose I were to tell you not to think about an orange, what would be the first thing that comes to your mind? The very thing you are not supposed to think of - an orange! And the same rationale applies to the fear of driving: the more you resist, the more you tell yourself that it's NOT OK to be anxious, that it's NOT OK to be afraid, the worse you will feel...
and this is why it is so difficult to overcome the fear of driving - because most people just try too hard! Fear and anxiety is not something that is directly under your control.
It is also impossible to get rid of it forever.
It is OK to be afraid, it is OK to be anxious, but it is not OK when you become obsessed with getting rid of it.
Hence, to overcome the fear of driving, you need to let go of yourself.
What seems like a normal drive for most people: driving in traffic, highways and bridges - these tasks becomes stressful and challenging for people with driving fears.
If you suffer from driving fears, you may find yourself trying very hard to get rid of it.
You will meditate frequently, exercise rigorously and even declare "get rid of driving fear as soon as possible" as your number one priority in life.
However, such methods can be counterproductive and instead, make it harder for you to overcome the fear of driving.
The odd thing about driving fear is this...
the harder you try, the deep you will sink into it.
You see...
when you try very hard to overcome your driving fears, you are unconsciously reinforcing it.
A good analogy here would be this: Suppose I were to tell you not to think about an orange, what would be the first thing that comes to your mind? The very thing you are not supposed to think of - an orange! And the same rationale applies to the fear of driving: the more you resist, the more you tell yourself that it's NOT OK to be anxious, that it's NOT OK to be afraid, the worse you will feel...
and this is why it is so difficult to overcome the fear of driving - because most people just try too hard! Fear and anxiety is not something that is directly under your control.
It is also impossible to get rid of it forever.
It is OK to be afraid, it is OK to be anxious, but it is not OK when you become obsessed with getting rid of it.
Hence, to overcome the fear of driving, you need to let go of yourself.