Travel & Places Fly Fishing

How to Tell If a Saltwater Fish Is Pregnant

    • 1). Watch for a fish that are not eating very much. This is an indication that a fish is pregnant and is easy to observe in fish that are being kept in a tank.

    • 2). Look for fish that are experiencing difficulty swimming. Pregnant fish become heavy with their offspring and tend to struggle to swim normally. This is not an indication with all species, but if you do happen to see one in this predicament, it is a good guess that the particular fish is pregnant.

    • 3). Look for the gravid spot near the bottom rear of the fish. This is a dark spot that will get bigger and darker as a fish becomes further along in pregnancy. If you find a fish with a larger than normal spot, she is pregnant. This can be visualized in a tank or after catching a fish on a fishing trip.

    • 4). Observe the lower belly area of the fish in a tank or one that was just caught. If it seems larger or expanded compared to a typical fish of that type, then the fish is pregnant.

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