Begonias - Growing and Preserving Begonias
It is necessary to preserve your Begonias prior to the winter months.
For the Begonia novice, following are a few tips for preserving your Begonia tubers for the next season: Preserving Your Begonias
Single tubers can eventually reach 5 to 7 inches across.
Use these preserving and planting tips to enjoy your begonias for years.
For the Begonia novice, following are a few tips for preserving your Begonia tubers for the next season: Preserving Your Begonias
- Stop watering the plants as soon as the lower leaves on the plants begin to yellow.
- Pull them as soon as they begin to show signs of dormancy.
- Dig (do not pull) the entire plant from the soil.
Shake off any loose soil and lay the plants in a single layer in a dry location (away from the sun).
- Turn nursery flats upside down and place the plants on the flats to allow for maximum air circulation.
- Break the foliage gently away when it becomes dry and brown (this will generally occur in about one month).
- Shake off any excess soil and rinse the tubers in fresh water to remove the remaining soil.
- Place the prepared tubers in a nursery flat lined with dry newspaper.
- Place them back in a dry location away from the sun until they are dry to the touch.
- Discard any damaged tubers or those showing signs of rot.
- Dust the tubers with sulfur powder to discourage mold and fungus disease during storage.
- Place the prepared tubers in a single layer between pads of newspaper and store in a cool, dry place (such as a lower level shelf in the garage) until it's time to plant them again in April or May.
- Make sure the Begonias are stored in paper.
Never store Begonias in plastic since plastic retains moisture and will cause the tubers to rot.
- Check your stored tubers in the spring for signs of life.
Small pink numbs will be evident on the concave side. - Prepare the soil in the planting bed with organic matter, such as oak leaf compost or any fast-draining rich potting soil, after the soil has warmed.
- Plant the begonias right side up.
Lay the tuber with the pink nubs and concave side facing up. - Push it gently into the soft soil to settle it in place.
- Water immediately after planting, then only when the top two inches of soil feels dry to the touch.
Water in the morning hours. - Set the containers in a warm shady location.
- Fertilize with a high nitrogen fertilizer every two weeks.
Switch to a 0-10-10 fertilizer and continue to fertilize every two weeks when the plants begin to set flower buds.
Single tubers can eventually reach 5 to 7 inches across.
Use these preserving and planting tips to enjoy your begonias for years.