How to Remove the Musty Mildew Smell From Clothes
- 1). Choose a sunny, windy day. Hang clothes on a clothesline to air them out. Add 1 cup of white vinegar to the load of clothes and launder as usual. Add another 1/2 cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle. Remove clothing from the washer and hang outside to dry.
- 2). Wash clothes with a detergent containing chlorine or non-chlorine bleach. Choose one that's safe for your clothing. Test the detergent on an inconspicuous area of your clothes to be sure they won't be damaged. Hang freshly washed clothes outside.
- 3). Put 1 cup of Downy fabric softener with your regular detergent in a load of clothes. After your washer agitates, shut it off and let the clothes soak in the washer overnight. Start the load over in the morning and let it run through the regular cycles, adding another cup of Downy to the rinse cycle.
- 4). Pour a can of regular Coca Cola into the water in your washing machine along with your regular detergent. The Coke will remove musty mildew smells from your clothes.
- 5). Add 1 cup of Electrosol dishwasher detergent to your regular detergent. Washing a load of clothes with Electrosol can remove stains as well as musty odors.
- 6). Add 1 cup of baking soda to the regular amount of detergent in your washer, and wash the odor away.
- 7). Use Purewasher, Febreze or Tide in your washer. Not only do they remove musty, mildew odors in clothes, but they get rid of the smell in your washer.
- 8). Place electric dehumidifiers in closets and other areas that clothing is stored to remove moisture and prevent musty odors. Keep DryZit crystal holders or DampRid in closets to keep clothing mildew-free. Scented sachets in drawers can also help.