How To Keep Your Bicycle Clean
Have your own bicycle, and you buy your bike before one or more year and still your bicycle is good in ride, then you must be a good caretaker of your vehicle. But not in all, can surely take care of their vehicles and they really look like a crap after a passing only a few of the months. For maintaining your bicycle from the first day of your shop, many of the things you must know to yourself. You must know few of the mechanic works that can be helpful for you to maintaining your bicycle for periods. We can discuss many of the things here you can do yourself with no extra efforts. And you can save few of tour money by repairing these minor things to yourself and off course the bicycle's life will high as compare to others. Here are few of the tricks you can do yourself and be mini mechanic of your bicycle.
Wheels Needs to Check on Regular Basis:
Bike runs only when if the wheels of your bike are quite fine and having a great grip on road. Most riders can't care about the wheels of their vehicles and ride with them regularly from long period. Wheels are the most important parts of the bike. It's the only wheels who came in contact with road and moves you to anywhere you want. Without wheel you can even drag your bicycle. If you think 1 wheel is good and the 2nd one is quite rough and its fine to you then it's your one of the big mistake. Perfect wheels can only make your ride awesome and leads you to your destination. Crap wheels may cause inconvenience to you during your ride. To get rid from this, check regularly your wheels of any kind of damage/mud or any kind of sharp things that might harm your wheels.
Make Your Bike Clean and Awesome:
Everything that shines looks awesome, and the one who look creepy, muddy and full of dust, people wouldn't like those one. Same it stands in case of vehicles, Mind it, when you buy your bicycle how does it look. A brand new and an eye catching, make sure you must wash your bicycle on regular bases. Keep a piece of cloth and bucket full of water and mix any washing powder in bucket. It hardly takes to 15 to 20 minutes of yours. And don't forget to clean the complicated parts of your bicycle. So that you can take care of these parts and don't demolish these fiddly parts.
Make your Bicycle Rich with Lubricants
Every machine is good only when if its parts are rich with lubricants. Lubricate is the only food for every metal machine. Keep your bike fully rich with lubricated. Before finalizing a new layer of lubricate, make sure to remove the old one. A new lubricant cannot provide the full benefits if any layer of old lubricant was there.
Place Your Bicycle the Safest Place
Store your bike safe, not only with fear of being stolen but also from bad climate. If you park your bicycle in open where a bicycle can catches sand, air, rain then certainly your bicycle effected with rust in such a short period. Rainy water can also cause effects to your bicycle tyre and may cause damage due to this. If any point, you see are can think that your bicycle is in bad condition or need to maintenance take it to bicycle shop immediately.
5. Know Your bicycle
Repair your own bicycle and know more about your bike. The characteristic of every bicycle is typically different from each other. You must know which type of bicycle you have. How frequently your bicycle need maintenance and which part of the used more during ride. Prepare yourself as a mini mechanic to your bike. You may get rid of many small problems definitely.
Wheels Needs to Check on Regular Basis:
Bike runs only when if the wheels of your bike are quite fine and having a great grip on road. Most riders can't care about the wheels of their vehicles and ride with them regularly from long period. Wheels are the most important parts of the bike. It's the only wheels who came in contact with road and moves you to anywhere you want. Without wheel you can even drag your bicycle. If you think 1 wheel is good and the 2nd one is quite rough and its fine to you then it's your one of the big mistake. Perfect wheels can only make your ride awesome and leads you to your destination. Crap wheels may cause inconvenience to you during your ride. To get rid from this, check regularly your wheels of any kind of damage/mud or any kind of sharp things that might harm your wheels.
Make Your Bike Clean and Awesome:
Everything that shines looks awesome, and the one who look creepy, muddy and full of dust, people wouldn't like those one. Same it stands in case of vehicles, Mind it, when you buy your bicycle how does it look. A brand new and an eye catching, make sure you must wash your bicycle on regular bases. Keep a piece of cloth and bucket full of water and mix any washing powder in bucket. It hardly takes to 15 to 20 minutes of yours. And don't forget to clean the complicated parts of your bicycle. So that you can take care of these parts and don't demolish these fiddly parts.
Make your Bicycle Rich with Lubricants
Every machine is good only when if its parts are rich with lubricants. Lubricate is the only food for every metal machine. Keep your bike fully rich with lubricated. Before finalizing a new layer of lubricate, make sure to remove the old one. A new lubricant cannot provide the full benefits if any layer of old lubricant was there.
Place Your Bicycle the Safest Place
Store your bike safe, not only with fear of being stolen but also from bad climate. If you park your bicycle in open where a bicycle can catches sand, air, rain then certainly your bicycle effected with rust in such a short period. Rainy water can also cause effects to your bicycle tyre and may cause damage due to this. If any point, you see are can think that your bicycle is in bad condition or need to maintenance take it to bicycle shop immediately.
5. Know Your bicycle
Repair your own bicycle and know more about your bike. The characteristic of every bicycle is typically different from each other. You must know which type of bicycle you have. How frequently your bicycle need maintenance and which part of the used more during ride. Prepare yourself as a mini mechanic to your bike. You may get rid of many small problems definitely.