How to Have a Successful Photo Shoot
- 1). Get to know the photographer before the photo shoot. Discuss details, such as his photography style, what he likes and dislikes in models and what you need to bring to the shoot. Establishing a connection off the set will help you communicate with each other better on the set.
- 2). Practice changing your outfits quickly. Studio time is often calculated on an hourly basis, so the more time you spend changing your clothes, the pricier your session is going to be.
- 3). Practice your poses in front of a mirror until you have them down to a science. The more you practice your poses, the quicker you can have them ready for the camera.
- 4). Find photographs that you want to emulate. Take note of the props, outfits, backgrounds and poses. Discuss these pictures with your photographer ahead of time to see if you can recreate a similar feel.
- 5). Bring extra props, outfits and makeup. If the photographer doesn't like something, the weather is bad or you change your mind at the last minute, you'll want to have a backup plan.
- 6). Get plenty of sleep the night before the shoot. A study conducted at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, concluded that a lack of sleep is visually evident on your face.
- 7). Show up to your session on time. It's in your best interest to be on the photographer's good side. Plus, it may cost you more money to show up late.
- 8). Stay relaxed while posing. Tension will create more awkward-looking poses. You may not necessarily feel natural while posing, but it's important to feel calm. Listen to your photographer, and be open to trying things. Remember to communicate, and offer feedback when you're compelled to.