Raising Goats Terminology
Goat terminology is used to refer to different characteristics pertaining to various aspects of raising goats. Everything from a goat's gender to their age and appearance. Learn the words below and their definitions so that you will understand what in the world the other goat owners are talking......[Read More]
Building a Backyard Chicken Coop - Doing the Math Behind the Investment
Many people are thinking about building a backyard chicken coop, but does the investment required really make sense? Sure, you can get an endless supply of great eggs and other poultry product, but will the return be worth what you spend in materials? Lets take a look at the simple math of this vent......[Read More]
What Your Rabbit Is Telling You
Words are very important in revealing and portraying someone's emotions. Words make the world more expressive and meaningful. However, there are times that words are destructive. Therefore, it is important to be aware and mindful of the words that we blurt out because it can make or break someo......[Read More]
Build Your Chicken Coop With a Proper Plan
Chicken coop business is flourishing nowadays and it is a very productive and profitable business with the investment of minimum amount of money. Still it requires adequate space, continual look after of chickens, maternal care of the chickens. It requires cleanliness, hygiene, maintenance of the ha......[Read More]
The Basics of Pig Ownership
Thinking of getting a pig as a pet? Lots to consider, such as what it'll eat, how to keep it amused and the fact that it can't sweat. We look here at a few factors involved in keeping these fascinating animals.......[Read More]
5 Reasons Why You Should Build A Chicken Coop
Chicken keeping is a popular past time, especially due to a recent resurgence of backyard chicken owners. Chickens make great pets, providing their owners with eggs and meat. However, it is important that chickens have housing that meets their needs and yours. Here are 5 Reasons Why You Should Build......[Read More]
Building a Chicken Coop? Don't Forget the Wood Chips
Building a chicken coop is a great way to promote sustainable living. People from rural areas to big city suburbs have built coops and are now looking for resources on how to maintain their coops and keep their chickens happy. After you build your coop it is a imperative that you don't forget t......[Read More]
Shortcuts for Raising Emus No 1: Eggs and Chicks
Raising emus can be demanding but there are certain techniques that can have a HUGE positive effect on the rancher AND the bird! Starting with the egg and going forward.........[Read More]
Easy Guide to Raising Chickens - 3 Tips Novices and Beginners Should Know Before Rearing Chickens
If you want to join the bandwagon of raising chickens in your backyard, then you should have the adequate information or knowledge on how to do so. Raising chickens is not as easy as let's say, raising cats or dogs.......[Read More]
Building Your Own Chicken Coop - A Fun and Adventurous Project That Requires Planning
Building a chicken coop can be a fun and adventurous project but you also need to be sure to have adequate planning involved. This will ensure that your chickens will have the maximum amount of safety and comfort.......[Read More]
Chicken Coop and Run - Three Top Tips For Building Your Own
Have you ever dreamed of building your own chicken coop and run, and keeping chickens at home? Many people raise chickens and enjoy fresh eggs daily - and the good news is that building your own haven for chickens isn't as difficult as you might think. Their space generally consists of the coop......[Read More]
Factors To Consider When Making Plans For A Chicken House
Plans for chicken house is the best option for people who want to improve on the shelter they provide their poultry. They can find blueprints that will assist them in the construction of a structure that is in accordance with their needs. When a person uses this tool to aid them in their project the......[Read More]
Farming With Chickens
It is hard to imagine a farm without chickens. In my mind, chickens are a staple on any farm. They are easy to take care of and offer much.......[Read More]
Chicken Coop Building Plans - Is the Effort Worth It?
This way of thinking has been proven incorrect by many people with help from chicken coop building plans that have enabled them to build their own coop from scratch. These are easily available for a small price online and in some pet shops.......[Read More]
Why YOU Should Use Chicken Coop Plans to Construct a Poultry House!
It seems that keeping poultry is becoming more and more popular. The problem is that people are not protecting their chickens adequately; they are not providing them with the correct poultry house. The best thing people that keep these animals can do is to use specifically designed backyard chicken ......[Read More]
Chicken House Plans - 7 Steps to a Better Chicken Coop
You have decided to take the leap and start raising your own backyard chickens. Building a chicken house for your feathered friends will save you money and allow you to customize the coop to suit your requirements. But before hammering that first nail, make sure your chicken house plans take into ac......[Read More]
Llama and Alpaca Normal Vital Signs and Physical Examination Parameters
Heart rate: 60-90 BPM, found by listening (ausculting) with stethoscope at fleece-free area under elbow. Heart rates can be increased due to exercise/exertion/excitement, stress, fever, or pain. Arrhythmias are common in SAC's-generally no big deal.......[Read More]
Raising Beef Cattle - Know the Different Cow Breeds Before You Even Begin Rearing Cattle
Raising beef cattle can be very different from farming dairy cattle. The beef cows, also called feeder cattle, are way bigger. Even though the main reason for beef cattle farming in order to gain profits is for the meat manufacture, there are a lot of other things which the particular cattle are uti......[Read More]
How to Construct a Chicken Coop - Size Requirements
These are the size requirements for different chickens you need to consider when you construct a chicken coop. It's important that you provide at least this amount of space for their health and mental well being. Just like people, if they are crowded and they don't have enough space to be ......[Read More]
Guide to Help You Get Started In a Goat Farming Business
When it comes to profitable businesses, goat farming stands up as one if them. They are two popular ways to make money as a goat farmer. The first way is to produce your own goat meat and sell it to your local market or even friends.......[Read More]