Travel & Places Fly Fishing

Vermilion Rockfish Information


    • Vermilion rockfish can grow as long as 30 inches and weigh as much as 15 pounds, reports the California Department of Fish and Game.


    • The average depth required for catching a vermilion rockfish is usually 50 to 500 feet, explains the California Department of Fish and Game. The species has been caught at depths of even 900 feet, however.


    • The vermilion rockfish is found off the coast of Baja, California to the Gulf of Alaska, according to the Alaska Fisheries Science Center.

    Life Span

    • Vermilion rockfish can live up to 60 years, reports the California Department of Fish and Game.


    • Live squid, anchovies and salted fish are the best natural baits to use for vermilion rockfish, suggests the California Department of Fish and Game. Swimbaits, which resemble fish, may also prove beneficial.

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