Plants With Black Mold
- Rose bushes are susceptible to mold growth.gros plan sur roses roses fuschia image by alain zanello from
Mold is a type of fungus that can grow on plants and damage their leaves and can eventually kill the plant. Black spot is a variety of black mold that commonly grows on the foliage and stalks of certain types of plants. The black spots are generally a half inch in diameter and eventually cause the leaves to turn yellow around the edges and fall off. - Black spot grows when a plant is subjected to wet conditions for at least seven hours if the temperature is below 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Citrus trees often encounter wet and humid spring weather that can encourage black spot mold. The mold grows on the citrus fruit and can sometimes appear red in color. Planters can avoid this by properly spacing trees to allow for proper ventilation and by controlling water intake as much as possible. Another way to prevent the growth is by spraying the tree with a copper-based spray in November. The spray will coat the leaves so that no mold can grow there.
- Roses are especially susceptible to black spot mold. The mold grows when the bushes have been overwatered and have not had a chance to air out. The mold generally grows on the roses' leaves and is accompanied by yellow splotches. Eventually the black spot mold will cause the leaves to shrivel and die. Growers can prevent the mold from growing by turning the temperature above 85 degrees Fahrenheit in the green house to kill the mold. They also can attempt to control how much water the plant receives and they should avoid watering the plant on a cloudy day. Growers can kill the mold by spraying it with professional mold killing solutions.
- Tomato plants are in the nightshade family. This means that they grow best when they are in the shade. This makes them particularly susceptible to black mold because the sun is unable to dry them off. Growers may notice black mold spots on the plant's leaves during periods of high rainfall. The mold will only be present on the leaves, but it will eventually turn them yellow and black and cause them to fall off. Avoid this by planting them in a raised bed to ensure that water doesn't pool under them. Also space them so that air can move around the plant to help dry excess water on the leaves.