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What Fertilizer Is Best for Tangerines?


    • Tangerine trees require full sun for fruit production. Preferring a soil pH range from 6 to 8, tangerines grow in most well-drained soils. Depending on the cultivar, these tropical plants mature at 8 to 15 feet tall with fruit ripening from October to March. Tangerines grow in the ground or in large containers and need shelter from wind and cold extremes. Although tangerines require regular water, they are vulnerable to root rot. Drip irrigation allows for controlled water application.

    Young Trees

    • Young tangerine trees need little fertilization. In transplanting, the root ball is planted into existing soil. If fertilizer or organic mulch is applied at planting, the roots burn and the young tree may die. After the tree begins growing, apply ammonium sulfate at the rate of 1 cup divided into three or four applications the first year. Lightly scatter the granules over the ground, avoiding contact with the trunk and exposed roots, and water thoroughly. This fertilizer provides nitrogen for the young tree. Increase the ammonium sulfate to 2 cups through the second year and up to 3 cups the third year.

    Mature Trees

    • Healthy trees have deep-green, glossy foliage.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images

      By the fourth year, tangerines typically produce fruit. Use a citrus-specific balanced fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Three applications a year, preferably in February, May and September, are sufficient. Allow no more than 1 cup of fertilizer annually for each year of the tree’s age. For example, 6 cups of fertilizer for a six-year-old tree is divided into the three applications. In later years, nitrogen may be the only fertilizer needed. Scatter the fertilizer under the tree and just outside the drip line, as active roots are at the outside of the tree. A citrus-formula foliar spray is also effective, especially for container trees.


    • Use a soil test to determine specific fertilizer needs. In some regions, specifically California and Texas, nitrogen is the only fertilizer needed through the lifetime of the tree. Mulch is not typically recommended for citrus trees, because it retains moisture and encourages root rot. When mulch is used, remove it or pull it back from the trees during winter months. Tangerines bear fruit heavily one year and lightly the next. Reduce fertilization in low-production years. Deep-green, glossy foliage is a sign of health in tangerines.

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