How to Get Stains Out of Carpet
- 1). For blood stains, treat with water first and then detergent. By detergent I mean, a carpet soap of your choice. Whichever brand you think works best on your style of carpet.
Butter stains can be greasy, treat with trichloraethane and then detergent. The trichloraethane is a dry-cleaning solution available at many stores.
Chocolate stains can be cleaned up with detergent and then ammonia.
Coffee and wine stains can be cleaned up with detergent and then vinegar.
Crayon, hopefully you bought the washable kind, but in case you didn't use the trichloroethane and then detergent.
Egg or fruit juice is more difficult. First use detergent, then ammonia, then vinegar. Obviously, if the stain comes out with the first or second step you can stop there and don't have to use the third chemical.
Furniture polish, grease or oil can be removed with trichloroethane, then detergent. - 2). Ice cream should be removed with detergent first and then ammonia, then vinegar.
Ketchup should be removed with detergent, then ammonia. The ammonia will neutralize the acid in the ketchup and dissolve the stain.
Lipstick is more tricky, begin with trichloroethane, then detergent, then ammonia, then vinegar. I hope you got a lot of trichloroethane, it seems to be very helpful.
Mayonnaise comes out with trichloroethane first and then detergent.
An oil based paint comes out with trichloroethane, while a latex based paint comes out with detergent. Thats important for all you painters out there.
Shoe polish is another toughie, start with trichloroethane, then detergent, then ammonia, then vinegar. - 3). Tea can leave an awful stain but not if you use detergent, then vinegar, then trichloroethane.
Urine comes out with vinegar, then ammonia, then vinegar again, then detergent.
Wax needs to be scraped and then apply trichloroethane.
It is important to follow the solutions in order. Don't jump around, they are in chemical order to dissolve the chemical that is on the carpet. Lastly, if you can, it is best to steam clean or shampoo the area you cleaned with warm water to wash away any chemical residue that may be unsafe to children or pets that are close to the carpet.