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Tips To Brighten Your Home With Landscape Lights

Well placed landscape lights are an attractive addition to any home.
With a wide variety of light styles to choose from, it is possible to find a set perfect for your home.
In fact, there are so many types and styles of outdoor lights to choose from you may feel bewildered when you actually go to buy lights for your home.
Here are some tips to help you choose the set best for you.
First, before you go to the store, you need to decide if you want to purchase solar lights or electric ones.
Solar lights are great if the area in which you wish to place your lights gets lots of direct sunlight each day.
These lights have solar panels which collect the sun's energy during the day.
At night, this stored power lights the bulbs and provides a soft light that will outline your walkways, flower beds, or whatever other lawn fixture you wish to light up.
Electric lights, on the other hand, are great for places in you yard that don't get much direct sunlight.
Electric lights will also provide brighter light than solar lights.
Electric lights also don't require much power, so they won't run you electric bill up.
Next you'll need to decide which features of your house or yard you want to illuminate with landscape lights.
If you want to spotlight your house, or a particular feature on your house, you'll want to purchase spotlights.
Position the lights after dark so that they will illuminate exactly what you want them to.
If you want to light up the end of your driveway so people will know exactly where you live, you might think about carriage style lights.
These lights are generally like a front porch light on a pole which you can place where ever you'd like.
If you want to light up a walkway, making it easier for guests to find their way after dark, choose lights specific for this purpose.
These lights will generally have shields that send the light downward onto the path instead of upwards into the eyes of the people trying to enter your home.
Pathway lights can be operated by use of a sensor that will cause them to turn on at dark and off at daybreak.
If you'd rather, you can also have your lights turned on and off by a timer.
If you use a timer, you will know your lights will turn on and off at the same times everyday.
Using a timer or sensor can also help save electricity.
Landscape lights are a great way to add more light to the outside of your house.
These lights can help signal where your drive is, make it easier to find your walkway, or just spotlight the front of your house after dark.
Beware; however, there are a variety of landscape lights, so when you go to buy your set it helps to have some idea what you want so you don't get overwhelmed by the variety.

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