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Bermuda Grass Varieties


    • Princess-77 is a dark-green grass and is considered a premium turf grass, meaning it is expensive when compared to other types of Bermuda grass. A 25 pound bag of Princess-77 costs $625 in 2010. (See References 2, pg. “Princess 77 Bermuda Seed”). Two pounds of Princess-77 seed will cover around 1000 square feet of land. This makes Princess-77 seed much cheaper than regular sod despite the fact it is a more expensive Bermuda breed. Princess-77 is leafy, denser, and is most commonly used on golf courses. Princess-77 has tremendous tolerance against drought and requires 21 percent less water than competitor golf course breeds Tifway and Tif 419 Bermuda. (See References 1, pg. “Princess-77”)


    • Mohawk is considered a moderate turf grass, meaning it is moderately priced when compared to other Bermuda breeds. In 2010, Mohawk cost $209 for a 25 pound bag. (See References 2, pg. “Mohawk Bermuda Grass Seed”). Mohawk is popularly used on both golf courses and home lawns. Tees on golf courses require about four pounds of seeds for every 1000 square feet. Lawns, on the other hand, require around three pounds for every 1000 square feet. Mohawk is known for being very salt resistant. This means it can be planted in tropical and subtropical regions without any long-term consequences. (See References 1, pg. “Mohawk”).


    • Savannah is another moderate turf grass developed in Rolesville, North Carolina. Three pounds of Savannah Bermuda grass costs about $32.95 in 2010. (See References 2, pg. “Savannah”). Around four pounds of Savannah seed is required for every 1000 square feet of land. This type of Bermuda grass will survive best in soils with a pH between 5.5 and 8.0. Soil must also be at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit. If the planter wants Savannah to reach its highest potential, it requires a sulfur-based fertilizer. (See References 1, pg. “Savannah”).


    • Common can be used as a pasture grass.cow. cow in farm/field image by L. Shat from Fotolia.com

      Common Bermuda grass, a breed originally from Africa and Indian, is best used for lawns and pastures. It is considered a basic breed of Bermuda meaning it is very affordable. (See References 1, pg. “Common”). In fact, Common costs as low as $159.95 for a 50 pound bag of seed. (See References 2, pg. “Common”). Lawns require between one and two pounds of seed for every 1000 square feet of land. Pastures require between at least five and 10 pounds of seed for every 1000 square feet. Common is considered the original Bermuda grass breed. All other types of Bermuda grass have developed from Common breed. Common is often used as a feeding grass. Many different types of Nitrogen fertilizers can be used for Common grass. If used as a feeding grass, it can be harvested after four to six weeks of growth. (See References 1, pg. “Common”).

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