Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Mini Banana Trees


    • Plant dwarf banana trees in full sun in well-drained soil. All types of banana trees need to be kept as warm as possible due to their tropical origins. Planting dwarf banana plants near asphalt or brick buildings can help keep the plant warm. Don't plant the tree in salty soil. Spread a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to help conserve warmth and moisture.


    • Watering is one of the most important parts of caring for a dwarf banana tree, especially while they are still growing. Keep the soil very moist in spring and summer, but slightly drier in winter. To check for moisture levels around your banana tree, stick your fingers in the soil. If your fingers come up with crumbly soil, water your plant. If the soil is still rather moist, leave the plant alone.

    Frost Protection

    • Bananas will need frost protection when the weather turns cold. If the temperature does not generally fall below 22 degrees Fahrenheit, the banana plant will most likely survive outside. However, for places where temperatures are lower, wrap the banana tree's trunk with a blanket during cold months.


    • Banana stalks usually form in late summer. Theses stalks will hold over winter and plump up the following April. Cut the stalks when they become plump but still green. Hang the harvested stalk in a cool shady place. If you want to ripen the bananas faster, put the harvested bananas in a plastic bag for a day or so.

    Diseases and Pests

    • Root rot is the most likely killer of banana plants. Banana plants need a great deal of water, but if the soil becomes water logged, the roots will begin to rot. Snails and earwigs will crawl on banana plants but don't generally bother them.

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