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3 Popular Herbs For Tea Herb Gardening

Herbal teas are a big seller in stores worldwide.
You can however, grow your own herbs and invent your own flavours and blends to make herbal teas much more exciting and interesting.
You never know, you could just come up with the next big seller.
But before you get to that stage, you will first need to grow some herbs and you should learn what to use in tea herb gardening.
Make sure that you use the correct, recommended potting compost.
Find one that will give your new plants the very best start.
A good way to grow your tea herbs from seed is by using peat pellets.
You can use these to sprout your new seeds inside and avoid worrying about any adverse weather conditions damaging the very delicate seedlings.
Once you have a healthy seedling, you can transplant the whole pellet in the recommended potting compost that you have pre-prepared for your tea herbs.
The next step is to watch your herbs grow - simple! There are many different herbs that are used to make tea infusions.
A couple of the more widely used herbs are:
  • Genmaicha.
    This would be combined with a brown rice to make a very good Japanese Green Tea.
  • Bergamot.
    This is mixed with several herbs to create the ever popular Earl Gray Tea.
  • Ginseng.
    Ever popular as an addition to many tea recipes.
The herbs that you choose to grow for your tea infusions should be chosen for their ability to blend rather than compete with each other for flavour.
It will take you some time to find the ideal herbs that you should grow but, if you have a reasonable sized growing area, you can do a bit of trial and error.
When you are growing some tea herbs you should be aware that there is more to a good tea than just the herbs.
You could try some different spices.
You could try using: Citrus leaves.
Some roots are good to use, like ginger, chamomile or cinnamon.
Experiment with all types of combinations to find your own perfect blend.
That is all part of the fun in growing an herb tea garden.
When your tea herbs are ready to use, you should find a good resource to advise you on the correct part of the herb to use.
There are some books that are dedicated to herbs and would be great to have on your bookshelf.
There are herbs that are grown for their roots whilst others are grown for their leaves or flowers.
A good way to prepare your herb tea is to dry the require part (root, leaves, flowers) then make an infusion by pouring boiling water over the dried mixture.
You can try all different blends until you find the perfect one for you.
Tea Herb Gardening can be very rewarding and interesting, so why not give it a go?

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