How to Create an Etching
- 1). Place on your protective gloves and goggles.
- 2). Clean the zinc plate with an alcohol pad and allow to dry.
- 3). Apply an even coating of asphaltum to the zinc plate using the foam brush and allow it to dry.
- 4). Sketch the desired design onto the plate using the pencil.
- 5). Scratch the design onto the plate, removing the dried asphaltum, using the etching needle.
- 6). Fill the plastic tub with the acid etching bath.
- 7). Submerge the zinc plate into the acid bath.
- 8). Check the plate periodically; remove the plate when the acid has carved out the scratched lines to your satisfaction.
- 9). Dunk the plate into the tub of water to stop the etching process.
- 10
Remove remaining asphaltum on the surface of the plate using the mineral spirits and paper towels. - 11
Wipe the surface of plate with alcohol pad. - 12
Wet the rag paper with water to prepare for printing. Place the paper in the press. - 13
Drag the ink across the entire surface of the plate using the squeegee, then place it in the press. - 14
Align the plate and rag paper, then activate the press to make an etching print. - 15
Clean any excess ink from plate. - 16
Repeat Steps 12 to 15 for each print.