How to Get the Medals for Allied Assault
- 1). Play the first mission in Allied Assault. In the second part of the mission, you need to rescue two prisoners of war (POWs). If either of them dies, you won't receive the first medal. After you find the explosive charges in the basement of the German headquarters, take the stairs behind the truck in the courtyard and follow the path to the POWs.
- 2). Play the second mission in Allied Assault. In the second part of this mission, kill the enemies around the German U-boat and pick up the officer's papers at the front of the harbor. Enter the submarine and pick up the manifest at the front of the sub to receive the second medal.
- 3). Beat the third mission of the game to receive the third medal.
- 4). Find the explosives in the manor house in part three of the fourth mission of Allied Assault. Place the explosives on the two tanks and blow them up to receive the fourth medal.
- 5). Keep your entire tank crew alive in mission five to receive the fifth medal. Complete the fifth mission to receive the sixth medal.
- 6). Keep at least six Army Rangers alive in mission six. Doing so gives you the seventh and final medal in Allied Assault.