Technology computers-hardware

Places to Buy & Sell Used Computers in Helena, MT


    • If you are in the market for a computer but have no desire to spend top-dollar for a mid-range computer, an excellent place to start your search is the local Goodwill. The Helena Goodwill store is located at 1100 Roadrunner Drive and can be contacted by calling (406) 457-1325. If you can't find what you are looking for there, you can always look for a quality used computer at Goodwill stores in Butte, Great Falls and Missoula.
      While you won't make any money through Goodwill, donating your computer to the charity is still far more eco-friendly than throwing it out. Besides, some say that charity is its own reward. Consider that before tossing your machine in the trash.

    Pawn Shops

    • Pawn Shops are an excellent place to start your search for a quality used computer. Additionally, if you are looking to get rid of your current computer and want to get something back for it rather than simply throwing it in the garbage or donating it to Goodwill, you are guaranteed that you will get some amount of money from selling it to a pawn shop. Just don't be surprised if the amount you ultimately get for your machine seems a little less than what you were hoping for.
      There are several pawn shops scattered throughout Helena, Montana: Alias Smith & Jones Pawn located at 1130 Cedar St., phone number (406) 449-6771; Good Buddy Pawn Shop on 1202 Helena Ave., phone number (406) 443-0019; and Dave's Pawn is located at 437 N. Last Chance Gulch, whose phone number is (406) 449-5150.

    Helena Independent Record Classified Ads

    • The classified ads can be good ways to find and sell computers. The Helena Independent Record is the main newspaper in town, and is read by thousands of people each day, many of whom read the classified ads. If you place an ad, there is a very real chance you could hear back in only a couple of days.

    Computer Stores

    • Sometimes the last place you look is the most obvious and if you are looking for a used computer in Helena, there are several computer stores that may sell used PCs for discounted prices.
      Custom Computer Technologies is one of them; it's at 1530 Prospect Ave. and can be reached at (406) 457-0485. MSD Computer Supply is located at 821 Last Chance Gulch, phone number (406) 443-1710. Finally the aptly named "The PC Store" can be found at 1314 Euclid Ave. and can be reached by calling (406) 442-5731.
      Helena also has chain stores that typically sell new computers, such as Radio Shack, Sears, Walmart, and so on.

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