Low Ornamental Grass Cover
- Although most ornamental grasses are perennials, annuals do exist. Some of these grasses are annuals by nature and others grow as annuals due to the climate zone in which they grow. Ornamental grasses are either clumping or spreading in habit. Instead of spreading, clump grasses increase in height and width where they stand. Spreading grasses travel above ground or under ground. When planting spreading grasses, be sure to anticipate their rapid invasive growth. Like the lawn you must mow regularly, ornamental grasses are either cool or warm season. Most of the ornamental grasses growing in the South and West are warm season. During spring and summer they grow rapidly and bloom in late summer or fall. They are dormant in the winter.
- Nearly all ornamental grasses require well-drained soil. If soil drainage is a problem, and you don't want to labor over amending your clay soil, plant your grass in raised beds or containers. Ordinary garden soil is adequate for growing ornamental grasses. Some of these ornamentals are classified as grasslike, such as sedges and rushes that thrive in moist or even wet soil. Most ornamental grasses require full sun, but they don't mind some shade during the hottest part of the day in the West and South.
- Plant warm season grasses in the spring, and plant cool season grasses in the fall. Space them according to container or seed packet directions. If you purchase pot bound ornamental grasses, loosen the roots before planting. You can break the roots up with your hands, or for tightly bound roots, slice through them a couple of times with a sharp knife and then loosen. Dig the hole twice as wide and deep as the root ball. As you place the plant in the hole, spread out the roots. If the root ball is extremely dry, water it in the hole before you cover it with dirt. Make sure the crown of the plant is even with the top of the soil. Firm the soil and water the plant thoroughly. Most ornamental grasses are drought tolerant, but for the first couple of weeks, keep the soil moist so the plant can establish a hardy root system. Avoid fertilizing your ornamental grasses since excess nitrogen can lead to problems. Cut back the tall growing grasses in late winter or early spring to a few inches above ground level.
- Many ornamental grasses can be used as ground cover. They share all of the growing requirements of the taller grasses and are quite attractive, like blue fescue which reaches 6 to 12 inches tall and forms a clumping habit. It displays thin blue blades and blooms with thin, blue-green flowers. The "Sea Urchin" blue fescue grows to only 10 inches wide and high and is very dense and compact.
- These are just a few examples of the many ornamental grasses used as ground covers. Your local garden center might carry other cultivars as well.
Japanese forest grass -- 14 inches tall and 16 inches wide.
Weeping love grass -- 1 foot tall and 2 to 3 feet wide.
Fountain grass -- The Little Bunny cultivar reaches only 1 foot tall and Chinese reaches 1 1/2 feet tall.