How to Take Your First Trip in an RV
- 1). DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Read the manual that comes with your RV cover to cover. Ask the salesperson (or rental agent) to walk you through every minute aspect of RV operation -- the plumbing, electrical, heating and cooling systems, how to hook up water, cable, electric and sewer, how to dump waste, etc. -- before you take the keys. And be sure to take a test drive before you leave the dealership. You might also want to read up on what it's like to travel and live in an RV. There are lots of books and Internet sites on the subject. (See "Resources" below.)
- 2). STAY CLOSE TO HOME. Your first trip in an RV should not be your two-week summer vacation. Plan to take a shakedown cruise to an RV campground close to home where you can get to know your RV intimately without the pressure of being far from home on a long trip.
- 3). PICK THE RIGHT CAMPGROUND. There are basically two kinds of official RV campgrounds: public and private. An example of a public campground would be any state or national park. A private park is any that is privately owned and run for profit. For your first trip, I recommend a private, commercial campground. They tend to have full hookups (water, sewer, electric, cable), flat pull-through spaces so you won't have to level your RV or back into the space, and other amenities that will make it easier for a first-timer.
- 4). FOCUS ON THE EXPERIENCE. This is not a party trip. Leave the friends and other unnecessary distractions at home. You're here to focus on how to drive and operate your RV.
- 5). WATCH THE WEATHER. Do yourself a favor and go in warm, sunny weather with little or no wind. Rain, wind or cold temperatures will make things unpleasant when you have to hook up or break camp.
- 6). DON'T BACK UP! Whatever you do, don't back the RV up without a rear-view camera or someone to guide you. This is a tricky maneuver, especially for the first-timer.