RV Camping at Mount Rushmore
- RV Camping at Mount Rushmore is permitted at the Fort Welikit Family Campground in Custer, South Dakota. The campground offers free hot showers, cabin rentals and extended RV pull-through campsites for easier access. Campers can enjoy evergreen trees, a campground playground, and the nearby Black Hills. Fort Welikit also offers car, ATV and moped rentals.
Fort Welikit Family Campground
24992 Sylvan Lake Road (Highway 89)
Custer, South Dakota 57730
blackhillsrv.com - RV Camping near Mount Rushmorekananaskis-country-campground image by Peter Walenzyk from Fotolia.com
The Big Pine Campground two miles east of Custer also invites RV campers to the Mount Rushmore area. The campground boasts ponderosa pines, large RV parking areas, and hook-ups for Wi-Fi internet and DSL cable. The secluded campground offers wooded campsites, volleyball courts and on-site RV rentals.
Big Pine Campground
12084 Big Pine Road
Custer, SD 57730
mickelsontrailaffiliates.com/images/bigpinecampground.htm - The family-owned and operated Beaver Lake Campground three miles west of Custer also offers free Wi-Fi and DSL, a recreation hall and ample parking for RV campers. The campground also has a large waterslide and heated pool.
Beaver Lake Campground
12005 West U.S. Highway 16
Custer, SD 77730
beaverlakecampground.net - The Broken Arrow Campground four miles south of Custer offers big-rig friendly sites for RV campers, Wi-Fi and a nearby covered horse corral for those families who have brought horses along for their Mount Rushmore adventure. The secluded campground also offers an ice-cream social.
Broken Arrow Campground
25458 Flynn Creek Road
Custer, SD 57730
brokenarrowcampground.com - RV camping rates can vary depending on whether it's high season or off-season, so check with each campsite individually when making reservations. Off-season RV camper rates including electricity, water and sewer charges might cost around $30 per night, while nightly high-season rates can exceed $40.
RV campers don't need special permits for camping near Mount Rushmore; however, RV vehicles must pay an $8 parking fee. School groups or other large educational groups must apply for a special use permit within one month of visiting Mount Rushmore.
RV campers may want to consider how far they're willing to stay outside Mount Rushmore. While trailer campers may be able to unhitch for the short drive from campgrounds to Mount Rushmore, RV campers will be breaking up camp to drive to the attraction for each visit.
Mount Rushmore is a beautiful place to explore while RV camping, and there are nearby sites that campers may choose to visit. The Crazy Horse Memorial, Custer State Park and Wind Cave National Park all provide visiting opportunities for RV camping.