Organic Squash Seeds Provide Nutrition From Patty Pan to Turk"s Turban
Squash seeds produce sprawling vines and a prolific number of vegetables that can be harvested throughout the season if both summer and winter varieties are planted.
Summer squash, Winter squash, gourds and pumpkins are related in the four groups included in this plant family.
Squash seeds will provide a rich harvest with minimal care in hot dry areas.
Squash seeds were first cultivated in South America before traveling to North America.
They were introduced to the Pilgrims by the Indians, enabling them to last through the first winter.
To celebrate this gift they are included at traditional Thanksgiving meals.
The term squash comes from the Massachuset word "askutasquash" which translates to uncooked.
Squash seeds will have a head start when planted indoors for later transplanting.
Consider more than one type for variety and different harvesting schedules.
Blossoms from the plants add colorful flavor and texture to salads.
They can also be coated in flour and fried.
Summer squash are found in many more varieties than are commonly served.
White, yellow, green and striped colors provide nutrition and flavor throughout the summer months.
They can be grown in numerous shapes including scalloped, round, crooked and straight.
• Straight necks • Crook necks • Zucchini is an excellent choice for breads, cakes and sautéing.
It is also a good squash to raise to supplement animal feed during the summer and fall due to its ability to grow into massive sizes.
• Patty Pan is slightly rounded with scalloped edges.
Many varieties of summer squash can be picked all through the season.
The best harvesting size is 6-8 inches long for straight necks, crook necks and zucchini.
Patty pans should be harvested when they are 3-4 inches across.
Typical growing seasons vary from 42-65 days.
Winter squash seeds can be grown in many varieties including the following: • Acorn squash are shaped like large versions of their namesake.
They produce a sweet, early, prolific crop and make an excellent baked side dish.
• Butternut squash are popular and store well.
They have a nutty flavored yellow-orange flesh.
• Turk's Turban is a colorful and unique variety of squash that is decorative as well as providing flavor and nutrients.
Plant squash seeds to provide food throughout the winter months.
Varieties which contain deep orange flesh offer the same benefits of beta carotene as carrots.
This is used by the body for better vision and bone growth.
Studies have also shown that squash is beneficial in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body.
They are considered to help prevent cataracts and by reducing triglycerides they reduce the occurrence of gallstones.
Winter squash also has been shown to reduce blood pressure levels, while baked squash seeds provide a rich source of protein.
Spaghetti Squash Seeds grow a variety that is a natural choice for meals and can be used to replace regular spaghetti.
Summer squash, Winter squash, gourds and pumpkins are related in the four groups included in this plant family.
Squash seeds will provide a rich harvest with minimal care in hot dry areas.
Squash seeds were first cultivated in South America before traveling to North America.
They were introduced to the Pilgrims by the Indians, enabling them to last through the first winter.
To celebrate this gift they are included at traditional Thanksgiving meals.
The term squash comes from the Massachuset word "askutasquash" which translates to uncooked.
Squash seeds will have a head start when planted indoors for later transplanting.
Consider more than one type for variety and different harvesting schedules.
Blossoms from the plants add colorful flavor and texture to salads.
They can also be coated in flour and fried.
Summer squash are found in many more varieties than are commonly served.
White, yellow, green and striped colors provide nutrition and flavor throughout the summer months.
They can be grown in numerous shapes including scalloped, round, crooked and straight.
• Straight necks • Crook necks • Zucchini is an excellent choice for breads, cakes and sautéing.
It is also a good squash to raise to supplement animal feed during the summer and fall due to its ability to grow into massive sizes.
• Patty Pan is slightly rounded with scalloped edges.
Many varieties of summer squash can be picked all through the season.
The best harvesting size is 6-8 inches long for straight necks, crook necks and zucchini.
Patty pans should be harvested when they are 3-4 inches across.
Typical growing seasons vary from 42-65 days.
Winter squash seeds can be grown in many varieties including the following: • Acorn squash are shaped like large versions of their namesake.
They produce a sweet, early, prolific crop and make an excellent baked side dish.
• Butternut squash are popular and store well.
They have a nutty flavored yellow-orange flesh.
• Turk's Turban is a colorful and unique variety of squash that is decorative as well as providing flavor and nutrients.
Plant squash seeds to provide food throughout the winter months.
Varieties which contain deep orange flesh offer the same benefits of beta carotene as carrots.
This is used by the body for better vision and bone growth.
Studies have also shown that squash is beneficial in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body.
They are considered to help prevent cataracts and by reducing triglycerides they reduce the occurrence of gallstones.
Winter squash also has been shown to reduce blood pressure levels, while baked squash seeds provide a rich source of protein.
Spaghetti Squash Seeds grow a variety that is a natural choice for meals and can be used to replace regular spaghetti.